BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 23rd July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 23rd July


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Tagyu Yagyu.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tagyu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Did you save money when you were young?

I always used to save money when I was younger. I understood it to be a good practice and saved my pocket money, award amounts, or any money that I received as a gift. Those saved amounts of money have helped me a lot during my time of need.

Have you ever given money to other children?

No, I have never given money to any other children, as I spent money only with my parent’s permission, and never digressed from the original spending purpose agreed upon, along with my parents. I have always politely refused any other children who have come to ask me for money.

Do you think parents should teach children to save money?

Yes, I think that parents should teach children to save money. It is a very good practice that not only secures our future but also disciplines us by teaching self-control and introspection. All of us should learn about saving money and enjoy the benefits it brings along.

Do parents give children pocket money in your home?

Yes, parents do give children pocket money in my home. I and all my siblings used to get a certain amount of money every month, which was always lesser than our expectations on purpose. This was done in order to teach us control on expenses, and the practice of saving.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe an important skill you learned when you were a child

– What this skill was

– When you learned it

– How you learned it

And explain why you think it was important


I have learnt many skills in my childhood from people around me in my life. Here I would like to talk about a very useful skill of cooking, which I learnt from my mother. My mother is in her forties and she is very tall and beautiful. She has a gifted hand in cooking. She has her unique way of teaching us, I mean me and my sister, how to cook. She never made us feel as if she was teaching us. She just kept us involved in the kitchen while she cooked.

We learnt a lot just by observing her. I learnt cooking because I too want to be able to cook like her. I also learnt cooking because it is a very useful skill in today’s time. Moreover, as I plan to go abroad for my higher education, this skill will be very useful. I will not face any food problems. I am a vegetarian and I have heard that veg. food outlets are very few in foreign countries. This skill has proved very useful because many times I have been able to attend to guests when my mother was not at home.

My mother not only taught me simple routine cooking but also some Chinese dishes. She also taught me how to make pizzas in the electric tandoor. She also bakes excellent cakes. Whenever anybody in our neighbourhood celebrates a birthday, the cake is always baked by my mother. She loves experimenting in the kitchen and she has many of her own recipes which are quick and easy and at the same time very delicious. She also presents her dishes very well. She says that the look of the dish is as important as its taste. I am fortunate, I have a talented mother who has taught me this useful skill.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Do you think boys and girls should learn the same skills?

Yes, I think boys and girls should learn the same skills. There are no gender differences nowadays. Everybody should be free to choose what they want to learn.

Why do boys tend to have better critical thinking skills?

I don’t think there is any difference in the critical thinking skills of both genders. There may be individual variations but definitely not gender variations.

Why do girls like shopping?

I think everyone likes shopping nowadays. Today, we belong to a consumerist society and both genders like to go shopping.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Interview

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