BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th July


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Budge Cudge.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Budge.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like running?

Honestly speaking, I’ve never given a thought to it. I’m not too fond of it because each running session drains my energy.

Have you ever taken a running class?

No. I dread to think of having to run around 10 km daily. I don’t think I’ll ever take part in any running class in the foreseeable future.

When was your last long run?

I haven’t run since my last physical education class in my second year. Now I’m in my 3rd year. Thus, my last long run was like one year and a half ago.

Why do people need to run?

Running has been scientifically proved to be one of the very few sports which requires nearly all the muscles to function, thus benefiting almost the whole body. Therefore, people need to run to stay healthy.

Where do you think is a good place to run?

Without a doubt, parks are the most ideal for runs. Since an enormous amount of oxygen is needed when running, it is better to run inside a place where the air is fresh and has enough oxygen rather than polluted with carbon dioxide.

IELTS Speaking


Describe a small business that you would like to open, (or, start or run or own or have) if you had the chance

– What is the business

– How you came to know about it

– When will you open it

– How will you prepare for it


I am not sure whether I would do any business in my life because it requires great courage to take the risk of being an entrepreneur. But, if I had the chance, I would like to open a beauty salon. My aunt is running one and is doing well. She did not do much initial investment but added things as her clients grew. I would follow her footsteps because I would get some know-how from her.

Beauty is a growing business. Good looks have become very important in today’s competitive era. My mother tells me that earlier only girls frequented a beauty parlour. But, today men and women both can be seen in these salons in equal numbers. If I start off well, I would add some exercise machines also because I feel that beauty is not just about good looks; a good body is also needed for overall personality. Obese people cannot look good by adding layers of makeup.

I would also hire good dieticians for my salon, to guide my customers about good and healthy eating. It has been well said that – ‘You are what you eat’. My clients would stick with me if I provide them all these facilities. I know that I will have to be innovative and provide good value for money if I want my business to run well. My aunt started two years ago and her client base has grown 10 times. She has expanded and now she also trains budding beauticians. If I do this business, I would like to be as successful as she is.

IELTS Speaking


Are men and women equally good at running a business?

There are no gender differences nowadays. It is a matter of personal aptitude. As more and more girls are going into management courses, they are successfully entering the world of business. We have many examples, such as Kiran Majumdar, who is the CEO of Biocon Company.

Is market research important for export business?

Yes, definitely. Market research is important for any business and not just for export business. If China exports those products, which are not in demand, then it will be out of business very soon. Even if we talk about small-scale business, without adequate market research nothing will sell properly. For example, in a poor country, branded showrooms will not survive.

Is it important to be competitive and why?

Yes, it is very important to be competitive nowadays. We belong to an era of competition. Today, we are not competing with the person next-door or in the same town or country. We are competing with the people of a global village.

In business, do companies need to be competitive?

Yes, definitely. Business is all about competition. If you don’t compete how can you run a business? You have to sell your products and for that you have to compete with your rivals. Otherwise they will succeed and you will lose.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking

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