BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd August


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Tagyu Yacki.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tagyu.

May I see your Identification?

Sure, here it is.

Do you work or study?

I own a small business of ethnic attires for women. I started this business not long ago and it’s growing by leaps and bounds (= rapidly) these days.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What do you do?

I design clothes as per the latest trend of fashion. My specialty lies in designing the women’s day-to-day Indian attires and for special wedding collection. Also, I’m trying my hands-on kids wear as well but it’s at the infant stage at the moment.

Why did you choose this job?

I completed my fashion designing course two years back. I found designing clothes was a very interesting job and it suited my passion. I’ve a knack of designing various types of clothes so I thought why not I pursue my passion and career together.

What will you do in the future?

I want to become a successful entrepreneur, and the world must know my work and appreciate it. I think globally and I foresee my stuff being sold in every part of the world sooner.

What color do you like? why?

Being an apparel designer, I love all the colors as long as they go well with any combination. But personally, I love white and pink color the most.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a law about the environment you would like to see in the future

– What this law would be about

– How this law will take effects

– Why is it important to have this law

– What changes would happen because of this law


Rules and laws are for our safety and convenience. We all know that our environment is seriously being damaged by us. We need to have strict laws to save our environment. Here I would like to talk about a law, which I would like to see in the future.

I would like to see one car per family law. Nowadays, we can see that in many families there are two, three, or even four cars. This is causing a lot of congestion on the roads. Traffic jams are very common. Air pollution and noise pollution are also unbearable. People do not have space within their homes to park all those cars, so the streets are also full off cars.. Most of the people buy so many cars just for showing off their status. If this law would be implemented, people would be encouraged to use the public transport.

People would also do carpooling, if this law is there. For example, if five people of an area have to work in one place, they can take one car per day. Caring for the environment has to be done on a war footing. Initially people may find it difficult but ultimately everyone would start accepting it. Such a law could help in saving the environment to a large extent. I hope the government implements this law in the future.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Why do schools make rules?

Schools make rules to maintain discipline. They are the centres of learning, where children are moulded into responsible adults. We all have to follow rules, imposed by the government, as adults. So, schools start that process of obeying rules in childhood only.

What’s the importance of obeying law?

Without law, we would be living in utter chaos. There would be crime everywhere and life would be difficult for the common man. For example, if we don’t obey traffic rules, we would have many accidents. If there were no property rules, people would make their houses anywhere and the whole city would be unplanned.

What can parents and teachers do to help children follow rules?

Parents and teachers can be good role models for children. Children are copycats. If they see their elders following rules, they will do it automatically. Just telling them to do something will not have that much effect.

Is it a good thing to break rules sometimes?

It is definitely not good to break rules, but sometimes in case of emergencies, for example, if we have to make way for an ambulance to pass, we may need to break rules. Sometimes, it is a matter of life and death.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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