BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th August


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Feqwu Iasdh.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Feqwu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you write a letter or email?

I really like writing letter to other people, especially on special occasions. I remember writing many letters, like birthday letters, or farewell ones to any of my friends and relatives who had to go somewhere far away from me. My friends and relatives always feel happy when they receive a letter from me; they say that it makes them feel important and cherished.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you think emails are useful?

Emails are really useful and important to me. I can use emails to contact people who are staying far away from me, and this really comes in handy as I have lots of foreign friends. Moreover, I can receive notifications through emails by subscribing to any online channels that appeal to me.

What sorts of letters (or emails) do you think are the most difficult to write?

Formal emails, like the ones you send to recruiters, to your boss, to your professor and so on, are very difficult to write. You have to choose the right tone for the emails so that they do not appear too casual or too serious, and you to pay attention to the format of the emails too.

Do you prefer to write letters or emails? Why?

It depends. For special occasions, like on someone’s birthday, I prefer writing letters to congratulate them as handwritten letters can show my sincerity. However, if I need to write something formal, say to recruiter to apply for a certain position, email is my first choice. It’s instant, easy to format and I can attach different files with it do it is very convenient too.

IELTS Speaking Interview


I’d like you to tell me about an embarrassing experience you have had with food.

– Where were you?

– What happened?

– How did you feel afterwards?

And, what did other people think about this event?

IELTS Speaking Interview


Right. Well, I’ve had quite a few uncomfortable experiences with food. I mean, I’ve had some pretty bad meals in restaurants, and I went to America when I was a kid, where I was too scared to eat anything. I’m sure I was an embarrassment to my parents.

But, by far the most embarrassing food story I have is about my own cooking. When I was sixteen, my cousin and her French fiancé came to stay with my family because he was working at the port. Well, I decided to cook some French food for them to make him feel at home, or maybe just to show off.

I dunno exactly; I was only sixteen. At the time, I couldn’t really cook any Colombian food, let alone anything French! You see, in Colombia, it’s common that children have so much homework that their parents don’t let them cook, or that a maid or a cook does the cooking. Even in the holidays, every single meal was prepared for me. I guess I was spoilt.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Anyway, my cousin and her husband were staying at our place, and on the fourth or fifth night, I made a French flan with custard and fresh strawberries. Basically what happened was that I didn’t follow the recipe. The custard needed six eggs, but we only had four, and while I could’ve asked my mother to get some more, I thought it didn’t matter if I only used four. I added some corn flour to make the custard set. When I put the flan into the oven, it was a bit wobbly, but I thought baking would help.

When I took it out, it was still wobbly, and when I decorated it, the strawberries sank into the custard, so I covered the whole thing up with whipped cream, sprayed on out of an aerosol. I didn’t even know how to whip the cream. When my mother served the dessert, my cousin said how lovely it looked, even though it was just a mountain of cream. Then, when my mother cut it- oh my God- the whole thing collapsed and dribbled all over the table. It was horrible. My cousin’s husband burst out laughing, and I spent the rest of the night in my bedroom.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Do people these days eat enough natural food?

This depends on quite a few different things. It depends on where you live, what your budget is, how much time you have, as well as on your level of education. For instance, at work, my colleagues who are nurses know what constitutes a healthy diet, but the women – especially the ones with families – just don’t have time to prepare healthy lunches for themselves.

They survive on instant noodles at work, and that kind of food is about as processed as you can get. In Colombia, the food is really wonderful, you can grow absolutely anything, but in big cities, people follow American trends, and eat a lot of junk. Obesity has risen dramatically in the past ten years.

To what extent are food producers responsible for the health of consumers?

That’s a tricky question because on the one hand, food is a huge industry, but on the other, obesity, diabetes, or even gluten intolerance may be caused or exacerbated by processed food.

IELTS Speaking Interview

So, is the industry responsible?

Ultimately, no. But I think food labelling should be accurate.

Now, let’s consider global food security.

There are predictions of serious global food insecurity within our lifetime. What do you think about these predictions, and what might be done to improve global food security?

This isn’t something I know much about, but I was on holiday in North Africa a few years ago when subsidies were taken off rice in one country, and there were riots. There were also tensions because people from a neighbouring country, where there were still subsidies, were smuggling cheap food over the border. I imagine a situation like this could escalate.

What might be done? Well, international aid is one possibility in the North-African scenario. I think in South America, salty soil and erratic rainfall are meaning smaller rice crops. Maybe scientists could develop rice that doesn’t mind so much salt or so little water. And researchers might work more regionally or internationally, rather than just for the good of their own economies.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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