BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th August


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Atary Bhayu.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Atary.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like bags?

I like the bags. I carry different bags for different occasion such as I use the tote bag for shopping because I have to carry lots of items. Clutch for parties and backpack for office/ school.

What type of bags do you like?

I usually carry a backpack purse because I can carry all the things, so don’t have the need to carry extra plastic bags.

Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)?

Well, no, when I go out with my family for shopping, dinner, I do not carry a bag, but when I go out to attend parties, then I have a purse.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What do you put in these bags?

One thing is the same that I carry in my all bags that is a mobile phone. For work, I put essential files in the bag/ for college; I put books and stationery in my bag. I put some money in the bag whenever I go out shopping.

What sort of bags do women like to buy.

Well, it is the individual’s choice to purchase bags, but in the case of women, I think they buy big bags for shopping and travelling, but for parties, they buy clutch according., to their dress colour. Some women are brand conscious, so they buy always branded bags.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a competition you want to take part in

You should say:

– What the competition is

– How you knew it

– What you need to prepare for it

– And explain why you want to attend it


I’m going to tell you about my real dream. First, let me give you some background. I think that I have a pretty decent singing voice, but I’m rather shy so I usually limit myself to singing in the shower. I’ve always dreamt of having the courage to sing my heart out (sing passionately) in front of a large audience. I’ve always dreaded (not looked forward to) being in the spotlight, but I think I must do this to force myself to new limits.

I recently read on a facebook ad that there is a singing competition in Istanbul, about 100km in my house in November 2018. I know it’s a bit far, but I really want to make that journey. You must pay $500 dollars to enter, but I feel that this is a worthy investment. Last year’s winner, Aybars, won a new car and singing lesson with the American winner of The Voice.

There will be over 100 contestants, so the competition is stiff. There is a preliminary round to see if you are able to continue, then there will be two other elimination rounds. It will even be on live air on the local Turkish television.

I feel really nervous and apprehensive because I have never sung in front of an audience, let alone (neither) on TV. I’m afraid that I may do something embarrassing like trip and fall on TV, or even not make it past the preliminary round. I even have nightmares about these situations sometimes! However, I feel quite confident with my voice so I think I can make it far (do some- thing successfully). Even if I don’t win, I would still love to have this experience. It will be one for the books (something memorable).

IELTS Speaking Interview


Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities?

Well, there are many competitive people in this world. Many people thrive on (makes them excited) it, so learning would not be fun without it. For this reason, I think teachers use it to appeal to all different types of personalities. Secondly, it gives us incentive (motivation for a reason) to pay attention and try harder in class.

IELTS Speaking Interview

If we are never tried (tested), we may keep silent in the back of the classroom. When there is a prize at stake (something you are able to get), people tend to put a lot more effort forth. All in all, it is a fun way to spark interest and attention in the classroom, not to mention students of all ages smile when they receive some sort of prize.

Is it a good thing to give prizes to children who do well at school? Why?

I would say yes, because it is an incentive to put effort into your studies. However, I don’t think the teacher should build a prize into every lesson because then the children may focus on thatinstead of actually gaining knowledge, which is the real prize. I think it’s fun and healthy competition to bring in a small prize for pupils, such as candy, but definitely not something to do on the daily.

Would you say that schools for young children have become more or less competitive since you were that age? Why?

It’s tough to say really, but I would say that they are becoming more competitive. I think one of the reasons for this is the social media. Now that our lives are on blast (something everyone can see), students see this and begin to compare themselves to other students. For example, maybe students post pictures of their high scores online or their parents praise them on their Facebook status.

IELTS Speaking Interview

So, this creates more of a competitive sense. Furthermore, the job market is quite competitive, so as a society we must put more effort into standing out (being remembered; being different from others). Maybe the students aren’t aware of this, but this I would imagine that the parents put more pressure onto their children to be better than the others.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th August

IELTS Speaking Interview

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