BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd September


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Bhulo Ritu.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Bhulo.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

What do you do for entertainment there?

I usually visit to a swanky restaurant named as Prem Bakers with my beloved ones. In addition to, parks, cinemas bestowed me a great platform for the entertainment purpose.

What music do you listen to?

I listen to every kind of music which sounds good to me but my favourite form of music is Jazz.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you like to listen to music alone or with friends?

Listening to music is a relaxing therapy for me. So, I prefer to listen it alone as it assist me to relieve stress.

Do you wear jeans?

Of course, I have its great collection as they are very comfortable and durable. I feel so relaxed in them.

What is your opinion about people who wear jeans?

Well, I have affirmative opinion as jeans are a fashion staple for obvious reasons. It’s totally a subjective topic as we are the part of contemporary world. I don’t know why some individuals have negative opinion regarding same.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a good law in your country.

– What is the law

– How you came to know about it

– What is its importance

– How do you feel about it


There are various laws imposed by the government from time to time. All these laws are for the benefit of the society in general. Without these laws we would be living in utter chaos. The law I am going to talk about here is ‘Ban on smoking in public places’. This law was made effective from 2nd October 2008 It is the birth date of father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi In this law, smoking is strictly prohibited in public places, such as hospitals, courts, bus stops, cinema halls and so on If any person is caught smoking in public places, he can be fined Rs. 200

Smoking is very bad for health It is bad for the smoker and also for the passive smoker Passive smokers are those who don’t smoke themselves but inhale the smoke given out by the smoker. If a pregnant woman does passive smoking then the child can be born with defects There are many diseases caused by smoking like Lung cancer Chest infections like Coughs (bronchitis)

Recently during an IPL cricket match Shah Rukh Khan was caught smoking and he had to pay fine and also had to apologise. It is a pity that our celebs who are role models for people ignore such laws. We should all realize that these policies or laws are for our own benefit and only if we follow them we can help the government maintain law and order and make our country a better place to live in.

There are many other laws which are good such as wearing a helmet while riding a two wheeler, fastening the seat belt while driving a car and so on but the law of ban on smoking in public places is one of the best laws.

PART –  3 Follow UPs

1. Are judges necessary for law enforcement?

Yes judges are necessary for law enforcement because they know all the rules and regulations and are in a position to give adequate punishment. If people know that authorized people will punish them, they will not go against law and become law-abiding citizens.

2. What are the requirements for becoming police officers?

As such there are no requirements for becoming a police officer. Anyone with a high school degree can join the police force. After joining the police force, they are given special training in patrolling, traffic control, emergency response, use of firearms, first aid, and self-defense. Physical training is another part of most police academies.

3. What are the requirements for becoming a good lawyer?

For becoming a lawyer, a person has to do an LLB course, which is for 3 years after graduation or there is a five years law course after senior secondary. One has to clear the entrance examination to get admission in any law college.

4. Do you think that being a policeman is an easy job in your country?

No, I don’t think so. A policeman’s job is a very demanding job. Policemen need to be physically and mentally strong. They always have to be on their toes. They have to protect peace, life and property. They endanger their life everyday when they deal with crooks.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 3rd September

IELTS Speaking Interview

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