BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th September


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

Hello, I am Rajiv Bhatia.

Can I see you ID?

With pleasure, this is my passport.

Where are you from?

I’m from Bangalore.

Do you work or study?

I am a student.

What subject(s) are you studying?

I am doing B.A degree in choreography/dance.

Why did you choose to study that subject?

I find it so amazing that hoe beautiful one can express emotions through dance and I’m inclined to learn more about this form of art.

Was that an easy choose to make?

Not really as my parents were not really happy. They wanted me to take some course which could help me earn livelihood later in my career. They believed that such a degree concentration would leave me jobless in the future so there was some opposition but somehow I convinced them. I will have to prove my worth post my studies.

Do you like your subject? (Why? / Why not? )

Yes, it’s very challenging; as one has to choose the right kind of music that would accompany the dance, complex movements to entertain the audience, assist with costume design, lightening and other artistic aspect of a show.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a picture photograph in your family/a picture or photo you like the most

– What is in the picture

– Where this picture is in your home/where this picture is

– How this picture was taken/who took this picture

– Why you think this picture’s meaningful/why you like this picture so much

IELTS Speaking Interview


I have a collection of many photographs in my album. Here I’m going to describe one in which my grandparents, my parents, my cousin Reema and I are standing in our farmhouse. There is a small round table on which there is a cake. I remember vividly, it was the golden jubilee celebration of my grandparents. My aunt baked and iced the cake at home. She’s an expert cook. She was the one who clicked the photo. That’s why she is not there in the picture. But her presence can be felt through the cake. Only the six of us were there in the picture.

Last year when I celebrated my parents silver jubilee, I wished in my heart that I celebrate their golden jubilee too. The tablecloth, which is spread on the table was embroidered by my grandma. She had a gifted hand in needle and thread work. Both my grandparents are no more in this world now. That is the reason why I treasure this photograph as this brings back nostalgic memories of my childhood.

Now I have a digital camera in which I capture precious moments. Maybe one day my children will value them. I like painting and drawing too but can’t find enough time for these arts out of my busy schedule.

IELTS Speaking Interview

PART – 3 Follow Ups

1. Do Indian people like to take photos of themselves?

Yes, Indian people do like to take photos of themselves. Selfies have become very common nowadays. Smart phones have become very economical. So most young people have a smart phone in their hands, and these smart phones have cameras in the front and in the back. So, taking selfies has become a routine with the young people.

2. What kinds of devices to people like to use for taking photos these days?

People use cameras and cell phones for taking photos these days.

3. Why do some people like to delete photos?

Sometimes the photographs may not be good, and sometimes the memory card may be full. So people have to delete photographs.

IELTS Speaking Interview

4. Why do some people like to keep photos?

Some people like to keep photos because photographs are mirrors of the past and they want to preserve those memories forever.

5. Has the way people take photos changed?

Yes, the way people take photos has changed a lot. Now digital cameras have become popular. People do not have to worry about wasting precious film. They can take as many photographs as they like. They do not even need to get them printed. They can save those photographs in their web albums. Even a three-year old child can click photographs.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th September

IELTS Speaking Interview

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