BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th September


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Kulwinder Singh

Can I see your ID?

This is my passport. Here it is!

Where are you from?

I live in Chennai, but my family belongs to Kerala and they migrated to Tamil Nadu long abroad for which I’m here in front of you.

What part of India do you live in?

Tamil Nadu is located in the southern part of India, and my city is situated on the Bay of Bengal in eastern India. It’s a port city.

Do you do household chores?

Candidly speaking, not much because we’ve a resident maid appointed for household chores. Only when she’s gone for holidays or sick, my mother and I’ve to do household chores. In her absence, I help my mother with washing linen, mopping the floor, dusting and other chores.

What household chores do you like or dislike?

I would prefer to do dusting because I embrace cleanliness. I don’t like dirty walls, or the shabby furniture. I’ll take the duster and start dusting fans, electronic goods, artifacts and anything that comes in my rader. The household chore that I dislike is washing dishes and crockeries. It’s because my skin is very sensitive and when I use the dishwashing liquid, I’ve skin irritation.

Did you do household chores as a child?

Sometimes I did and again in the situation that I describe just now. However, my mother didn’t allow me to engage myself with household chores much when I was a kid. She always wanted me to focus on my studies and playing.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a course that impressed you a lot

You should say

What the course was about

Where you took the course

What you did during the course

And explain why it impressed you a lot

Sample Answer

Well, I have always been interested in learning a new skill because it helps me to become a better version of myself. Personally, I believe life is all about learning and improving. Till now, I have learned certain skills such as cooking, driving, and dancing. However, here I would like to talk about a particular course that was worth taking.

It was a digital marketing course that has become the need of the hour in this technical era.

I vividly remember that, due to the covid pandemic, everyone was confined to the four walls of the house. All institutes and coaching centers were shut down. I was getting bored sitting in one place. Therefore, I made up my mind to join any online course.

IELTS Speaking Interview

I took advice from my cousin, who is tech-savvy and residing in Australia. He acquainted me with digital marketing course significance and its popularity.

With his stimulation, I enrolled myself in an online digital marketing course. Luckily at that time that course was available at a 60% discount on total fees and it was quite reasonable in comparison to other courses. Apart from that time duration of this course was eight months and was divided into two parts basic and advanced.

IELTS Speaking Interview

For the first three months, I gained immense knowledge of the basics and fundamentals of the digital world, for instance, website designing and development, content writing, marketing on a social media platform, and so on.

In the second phase, of course, all advanced techniques or tricks they shared help anyone become a freelancer.

This course impressed me in many ways. Firstly, after completing this course, I felt independent because I work as a freelancer now and have a handsome revenue.

Moreover, with the help of it, I run my own website and YouTube channel. Last but not least, this course led to a Paradigm shift in the understanding of digital marketing, and I suggest all youngsters should learn digital marketing to have a better future.

IELTS Speaking Interview

PART – 3 Follow ups

1 Why do some people have a better memory?

Answer – Well, it’s complicated to say why some people have good memories. Maybe the possible reason for that is Genetics however I personally believe that one can become better at memorization with the help of training. Nowadays, there are numerous techniques or courses available that help to sharpen the brain. For example, at the early age of the child, parents take a session of the intellectual course that helps them to train their child with good memory.

2 Which can help people remember things better words for photos?

Answer – Undoubtedly photos leave a great impact on a person’s mind as compared to words; that’s why it is rightly said that a Picture Speaks a Thousand Words. In addition to it, even a child at an early age can easily comprehend photos instead of words, that’s why Flashcards are being used to teach them in pre-schools.

3 Can Technology help people remember things better, and how?

Yes, it’s true technology helps individuals to remember things through different software for application. For example, we do not need to remember any mobile number; our smartphone does this for us.

Moreover, we can put a reminder of any occasion like a birthday anniversary and not worry about keeping in mind all these things our phone reminds us of on time. So undoubtedly Technology helps us but excess of everything is bad. Due to this, we are declining the usage of our mental power to Remember.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th September

IELTS Speaking Interview

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