BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th September


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your first name?

My first name is HENRY.

What is your last name?

My last name is Arthur. It represents our family name and title.

May I see your proof of identification?

Sure, here you are.

What is the meaning of your name?

Henry is a very common French name for boys. It’s believed to be derived from the French name Henri, which in turn is thought to be derived from the name Heimeric, an old German name that means “house ruler.” The name is made up of two parts: “Heim,” which means home and “Ric,” which means ruler.’

Is your name important to you?

Yes, definitely. This name represents me. To the world, I am Mark Arthur. So this means a lot to me.

Why do so many people change their names?

I think there are various reasons for people to change their names. Some people simply hate their original names and think their names are too outdated. They want to get the feeling of some modern names. For some, this could be the reason for changing their identity. Some women might change their names after marriage or some might change it after migrating to a new country. Religious belief could be another reason why some people might change their names. Finally, some might change their name only to show their status.

How have you reached here today?

Well, after I got ready I took a taxi and that dropped me in front of this building. The traffic on the road was better than usual. So I reached here pretty comfortably.

IELTS Speaking Interview


A speech you heard

Describe an interesting talk or speech that you heard recently.

– Where you heard it

– Who the speaker was

– What the talk or speech was about

–  explain why you think it was interesting. 

IELTS Speaking Interview


I have heard many talks in my life.  But here I would like to discuss with you a speech which I heard recently in the environment fair held in my home town  This environment fair is held every year in December in my home town. 

I was surprised to see my old school Principal S. Gurbax Singh over there. He is very famous person in my home town and is known for his oratorical skills.  He talked on the topic of global warming. The whole globe is involved in it. The way he described the causes and effects was very interesting.  It was an eye-opener for me.  He said that we humans are the causes and we humans can lessen it.

He also told us how the pollution which is caused by cutting trees, having more industries and cars and other human luxuries – is leading to global warming.  Then he told us about the effects of global warming. First effect is the rise in the sea level. This is because of the melting of mountain peaks. Second effect is the changing climate. We all know that summers are getting hotter and winters are getting colder.

Finally, we are having epidemics of diseases like malaria and dengue. This is because mosquitoes and flies prosper in the heat. He also told how to lessen this phenomenon by simple measures like Not cutting down trees. Planting more trees. Using recycled materials. Saying no to plastic bags.

 I felt very enlightened after listening to his spellbinding speech. I try to avoid using plastic bags and also accept recycled material even though quality is low.

IELTS Speaking Interview


1. Why do people get nervous when they speak in public?

I think public speaking is the most common fear among people. There are many reasons why people feel nervous when speaking in public. It may be due to lack of confidence, lack of knowledge about the subject or the topic, hesitation due to the feeling that they are being judged or it may be because of shyness or an introvert nature.

2. How can they improve their public speaking skills?

Public speaking can be improved by gaining more knowledge about the topic or the subject. This will build up confidence. It can be practice with friends and family, who can help improve the speaking skills by giving feedback. We can also make use of technology by recording our speech and replaying it. And getting a lot of practice before the actual event helps improve the confidence to speak in front of public.

 3. What different kinds of speeches or lectures have you attended in your life?

I have attended many kinds of speeches and lectures that in my life. During my school and college years, I have attended various lectures delivered by my teachers or guest speakers, about various topics and subjects. I have attended some motivational speeches about things like time management, positive thinking, etc. There are many religious speeches that I have heard at the Gurudwara/temple/church/mosque. I have also hears speeches from/by political leaders, usually right before elections. I have attended speeches and lectures about social issues also, like drug addiction, female feticide, dowry issue and many more.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th September

IELTS Speaking Interview

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