BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th September


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Rashilo Sharma.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rashilo.

Did you have a pet when you were younger?

Well, I used to have two cats and a dog when I was in kindergarten. I always love having pets around because I enjoy their company, and… honestly, I’m a bit scared to be alone in my house.

What kinds of animals do people like to have as a pet?

I believe it depends on personal preference. For me, I must say I am a hundred percent a cat person. It is almost impossible for me to go a day without seeing my cat. But some of my friends really prefer dogs since dogs are loyal and cheerful.

Do you think city is a suitable place to keep pets?

Yes, I mean why not. So far my cat’s been more than okay living in my apartment; he’s clean, well-fed and very healthy. But of course, it would be more enjoyable for animals to live in the countryside since the air is cleaner and there is a lot more space for them to run around. Being alone

Do you like being alone?

Oh, sometimes I do but again, all of us do once in a while, right? But honestly, most of the time, I would prefer not to be alone, which is why I have pets. They never fail to make me feel warm and welcome, sometimes even more than my friends.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a time when you were really close to a wild animal You should say

– What it looked like?

– Where you saw it?

– What it likes to eat or do?

– Why you like it?

IELTS Speaking Interview


India is a diverse country. There are many types of animals found in India There are pet animals, domestic animals, and wild animals Here I am going to talk about an animal, which I saw for the first time in the mini zoo at Chandigarh. I saw it from a distance of eight to ten feet. It is the elephant I like it because even though it is a wild animal, it doesn’t seem intimidating as the lion or tiger.

The elephants are the biggest land animals. They are herbivorous and can be identified because of their trunk. The trunk is the projection of their nose and the upper lips. There are two types of elephants, the Indian and the African. African elephants are bigger than their Indian counterparts. They have comparatively larger ears.

Among the African elephants, both the males and females have tusks whereas, only the males among the Indian elephants have tusks, and So they are called tuskers. The back of the Indian elephants is convex, whereas that of the African elephants are concave. Indian elephants can be tamed, and they are more beautiful. Elephants are gregarious animals and live in herds headed by tuskers.

They have a well-structured family life. The young ones, called the calf, are looked after by the cow elephants. Their cry is called a trumpet. In India, elephants are captured, tamed, and used for various purposes. Elephants are among the few animals whose existence is not endangered till now.

IELTS Speaking Interview


1. Besides the animal you just spoke about, what other wild animals are there in your country (or, around where you live)?
India is home to a large variety of wildlife. It is a biodiversity hotspot with its various ecosystems ranging from the Himalayas in the north to the south’s evergreen rainforests. Most of the wild animals of India are being protected through the numerous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Wild animals such as Lion, Bengal tiger, leopard, black bear, blackbuck, camel, elephant.

2. In general, how do people in your country feel about wild animals?
well, people behavior is different from each other, so their feeling also varies from each other. People who like adventurous activities love to spend time with animals. They visit zoos to see wild animals. On the other hand, some people are scared of animals, so they do not like to see or spend time with wild animals.

3. In general, what is the attitude of people in your country towards wild animals?
People have different attitudes towards wild animals. Some people are scared of them; some worship them, some like them and specially go to the zoos to see them. Some even hunt wild animals for their body parts.

4. Do you like (all) wild animals? (Why?/Why not?)
I like wild animals, and my favorite animal is the elephant. I saw an elephant in different locations, such as in the circus and zoo. The elephant is not a dangerous animal, so everyone like it.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th September

IELTS Speaking Interview

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