BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th September


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Steve Robinson.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Steve.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.                                                                                                                   

Do you keep plants at home?

Yes there are lots of plants at my home. I keep them in the mud pots. They look very beautiful and are soothing to the eyes.

What plant did you grow when you were young?

When I was young I grew a plant known as money plant. I grew it in a glass bottle. Since it is called as money plant I believed that if this plant grows, I will also become rich.

IELTS Speaking

Do you know anything about growing a plant?

Well I am not an expert but I know we have to regularly feed water and manure to the plant and we should keep it in sunlight for it to grow. Sometimes we also have to use insecticides to prevent it from insects.

What was the dream job for you when you were young?

When I was young I wanted to become a pilot.

Have you changed your mind on your dream job?

Yes I have changed my mind as it is very expensive to become a pilot and it involves lot of studies. But I still plan to take flying lessons.

What kinds of jobs are popular in your country?

In my country computer or IT related jobs are more popular these days because these are well paid jobs.

IELTS Speaking


Describe a journey [e.g. by car, plane, boat] that you remember well.

You should say:

– where you went

– how you travelled

– why you made the journey

and explain why you remember this journey well.

IELTS Speaking


I have been lucky to have a number of memorable journeys over the years. So, thank you very much for offering me this great opportunity to share the experience of one of those journeys which I probably would never forget.

This journey, one of the most memorable ones of my life, took place when I just started my university, and I needed to visit my youngest uncle at a city, far away from my hometown, where he just had started his first job.

So, naturally, I was quite excited. The excitement grew even bigger when one of my elder cousins, who also was travelling with me, informed me that we were actually going to make the journey with a high-speed train which just had started operating from my home town only a few weeks ago.

IELTS Speaking

We were told that it was going to be a 6 to 7 hours journey and that train would travel, nonstop, at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. So, it was a whole new experience for me, and I just couldn’t wait to board the train as soon as I arrived at the station.

By the way, my cousin very smartly had selected a couple of window seats at the front of the brand new train, so we both knew that it was going to be a great experience, and it indeed was as the train started to run like a bullet with a whistle within seconds of starting our journey. The objects outside the train felt like they were just coming at our sight and vanishing like some ghosts within a fraction of a second.

Anyway, I remember every minute of this journey so well, mainly because I never really travelled on a train that ran so fast and furiously. I remember it also because the service on that train was awesome. Finally, I also tried some of the most delicious foods I have ever eaten, and that too at an affordable price!

IELTS Speaking


Q.  Why do people need to travel every day?

Answer: People need to travel every day mostly because of their job or work. Everyday travel is also necessary when attending schools or universities. Besides, if we need to see some important family members of ours, living within a reasonable travel distance, because they “require” our daily attendances for some reasons, such as sickness, we would also need to travel on a daily basis.

Q.  What problems can people have when they are on their daily journey, for example, to work or school? Why is this?

Answer: People can face a number of problems when travelling on a daily basis. They can get stuck at traffics for a long period of time and become late for their schools or works. They can also be forced to become ‘involved’ in an unfortunate accident when trying to hurry in their private vehicles or hurrying in order to board a bus or train. Sometimes, people may also lose something valuable because of their carelessness when travelling on a daily basis. Besides, some people can fall asleep also and miss their destination if they are stuck in traffics for too long.

IELTS Speaking

Q.  Some people say that daily journeys like these will not be so common in the future. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Answer: I agree that the daily journeys like these will not be so common in the future because things are changing so rapidly in this world that while some of these kinds of daily travels may not be so common for certain purposes, such as works or schools.

However, in the future, we won’t be surprised if we find that there are suddenly some other reasons for which we would need to travel every day. For example, a group of people, like students, can certainly take courses online, courtesy to the internet and information technology, without ever needing to travel anywhere, but the chances are that another group of people, like network engineers, travelling somewhere else every day to actually ensure that the students receive those services uninterrupted every day.

Q.  What do you think people can learn from travelling to other countries? Why?

Answer: Today, we live in a world, which is like a global village, where we are in need of connecting with each other more than ever before because of economic and cultural reasons. So, when we travel to other countries, we develop a better understanding of their traditions, cultures and lifestyles. And the better understanding we have about others, the easier will it get for us to connect with each other in some common interests. Travelling to other countries opens our hearts and eyes to respect others’ values and opinions which are absolutely important in order to free our world from ignorance, hatred and animosities.

IELTS Speaking

Q.  Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country? How?

Answer: Yes, travel can make a positive difference to the economy of a country by encouraging and developing the tourism industry of that particular country. As more and more tourists will visit a particular country in order to learn and enjoy its culture and national heritage, the more foreign remittance, businesses and employment opportunities they would usually bring for the host country by diversifying its economy. Besides, tourism also helps build positive images for a country. And, the more positive image a country has, the more large scale investment it attracts from economic superpowers of the world in order to improve its overall economy.

IELTS Speaking

Q.  Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling to other countries? In what ways?

Answer: Travelling to other countries will almost inevitably open up the doors of new ideas and opportunities. So, I do think that a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling other countries as they can pretty much act like some connecting “bridges” between their cultures and those of others in order to help each other understand and appreciate even better. Besides, society members with travelling experience can always learn new ways of thinking and doing things, whenever applicable, from other countries so that they can implement those same things in their own country also in order to improve the lives of their fellow citizens.

IELTS Speaking


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th September

IELTS Speaking

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