BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th September


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Jofiy Yakuza.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Jofiy.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you work or study?

I am doing masters in professional accounting at Deakin University.

Q.  What type of photos do you like taking? [Why/Why not?]

Answer:  I often experiment with my camera and mobile phone camera and that’s why I like to take a wide range of photos that include nature, people, gift items, sky, river, flower and so on.

However, I am inclined to take photos of people. Some of the best photos that I took were taken in unknown places where people posed for my camera. Their genuine smile, sad expression and sometimes bewilderment make the photograph worth cherishing.

Q.  When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? [Why/Why not?]

Answer:  I used to buy postcards whenever I visited a new place with my parents in my childhood. Perhaps I did so to bring souvenirs of the places I had been to. But with the increasing use of the smartphone and cameras, we can now take our own picture and video and frame it to our digital storage. In this age of technological advancement, we are more inclined to take picture and video and then share those with friends and family rather than purchasing souvenirs, especially postcards.

Q.  Do you like people taking photos of you? [Why/Why not?]

Answer:  If someone asks me firsts and I feel like being captured in a photo, I do not mind. Otherwise, I do not prefer to be in a photograph, especially with less known or unknown people. I think this is a personal choice and I am not the type of person who likes taking selfie or self-photograph now and then.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe an event when you asked for an extension of time to complete something.

You should say:

– when it was

– what task you were doing

– whom you requested the extension of time

IELTS Speaking Interview


Once I was trying to build a fence around the garden in our backyard about 5 years ago when I was a high school kid. At that time, I needed some extension of time. Let me explain to you why I really needed the extension.

Now, I have to tell you that my family members – members of my extended family that is – didn’t really want me to embark on this difficult task because they were fairly certain that I wouldn’t be able to do it properly and on time.

 But, I still insisted on doing it because I just didn’t want my family to spend so much money on something which, I thought, I could do by myself. Well, on second thought, not entirely by myself only since I was counting on my cousins as well to complete the task.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Anyway,  to make the story short, as I started building the fence, together with my cousins, I found out that we in no way would be able to finish the task within the stipulated period of time.  But, on the other hand, my family wanted us to complete the fence within that stipulated period of time because the rainy season was to start very soon, and it would become even more difficult for us to complete the task properly. But, despite our best efforts and intentions, we just weren’t able to build the fence on time, so I had no other option but to ask for an extension of time from my father and uncles.

Thankfully, of course, my family did offer us an extra week – more time than what we could actually bargain for – to complete the task. When we asked for the extension, of course, they were initially reluctant to extend the time.

IELTS Speaking Interview

In fact, they even thought of hiring some professionals to get the job done on time, but because of our insistence, they just decided to give up on that idea. And we are glad that they did as we were finally able to complete the task like true professionals!

IELTS Speaking Interview


How can we avoid wasting time?

We can avoid wasting time by planning things to do in advance. Having a pre set schedule can be helpful in utilizing time efficiently and make use of each moment.

Is time management important?

Yes, time management is extremely important nowadays. People wish to utilize time to the fullest in this era of cut-throat competition. Good time management enables us to work smarter – not harder – so that we get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high.

Should parents help children manage time?

Yes, parents should help children to manage time by making a timetable for them and by ensuring that they follow it. Also, children can learn easily from stories or movies, which teach them a lesson about the importance of time and managing it well. The parents are role models for children and they should set a good example for their children.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you think relaxing is a waste of time?

No, I do not think so because relaxing is very important to keep up the energy levels to do tasks during the day. It helps people to recharge their batteries for doing things. However, relaxing unnecessarily and sitting idle for the whole time is definitely a waste of time.

Do you think time is very important?

Of course! Time is gold. It’s even more important than money. You can use money to buy almost everything in this world but not time. Time is something that you can not bring back. That’s why people always learn how to improve their time management skills so that they can take good advantage of their time to do meaningful things.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th September

IELTS Speaking Interview

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