BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th March


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Elizabeth Batter.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Elizabeth.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here it is.

Who teaches you to be polite?

Our parents, teachers, relatives, friends and other acquaintances, teach us politeness. We also learn about the importance of politeness from stories we read and movies we watch.

Has the way people show politeness changed in India?

Yes, I think with the advancement in technology, the way we show politeness has changed. With the advent of the internet and social networking, it is very important to show respect to others in the way we write messages or emails, so as to not offend others. For example, when chatting with someone, it is not acceptable to type in capital letters. It is considered rude and impolite.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Are you angry with people who are late?

Yes, definitely I am angry with people who are late. I am very punctual myself and I feel irritated when somebody keeps me waiting.

What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?

I mostly use the Facebook website for social networking. These days all the social networking sites have an app that we can install and use on our phones, so I don’t usually visit the websites. I use my cell phone apps.

Are you a social person?

I am not a very social person. However, I have a good social circle of friends. I like to meet them at least once in two-three months.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a party that you enjoyed.

            What was it about?

            Where was it held?

            What did people do at the party?

            Explain what you enjoyed at this party?

IELTS Speaking Interview


 Life has given me a lot of happiness and moments to celebrate with my near and dear ones. I have celebrated many happy moments by hosting parties for someone and attending other people’s parties as well.

I have attended many parties on different occasions in my life but the most enjoyable one was a party that I held to mark my elder sisters twenty-fifth birthday. It was a surprise party that I planned with the help of my mother. It was on the twenty-fifth of September last year, and I had started to plan it two days before.

IELTS Speaking Interview

After my sister left for work in the morning I started decorating our garden and installing the setup including the tables and chairs. My mother started baking her favourite chocolate cake while I called all her friends and our relatives to the party in the evening. I then proceeded to order snacks and appetizers along with the beverages for the evening. The celebrations finally commenced and all the guests had arrived before she came. We welcomed her with the birthday song and hugs from everyone.

We all had an amazing time at the party. Everybody socialized, we played party games, danced and had a lot of fun throughout the evening. The best part was the fact that everyone was happy with the celebration and there were smiles all around me. My sister got gifts from everyone and was all smiles when I gifted her a necklace. She was spellbound and thanked me profusely for organizing such an amazing party.

IELTS Speaking Interview


1 Which types of parties are popular in your country?

Birthday parties and weddings. In recent years we also see the growing popularity of proms and soirées, which are really just evening parties with music and dancing.

2 Is it true that everybody likes parties? Why?

No, I don’t think everybody likes parties. Some people don’t like being surrounded by a large number of people. Also, parties usually cost money, so some people might think they are wasteful and unnecessary.

3 Is it true that children always like birthday cakes with candles on top? Is receiving birthday cakes important in a birthday party?

No, I don’t think all children like birthday cakes with candles on top. I had friends who did not like blowing out candles, and I myself prefer pies to cakes. I also think receiving birthday cakes is not important. People can celebrate birthdays even if there’s no cake; they can enjoy other snacks and drinks.

IELTS Speaking Interview

4 Do you prefer receiving emails or birthday cards on your birthday?

I would like to receive birthday cards rather than emails. Emails are something I associate with work. It also feels more distant and less personal than a physical, hand-written card.

5 How does alcohol affect the atmosphere of a party?

Alcohol can make people feel excited. It can also help them let loose, laugh and chat more freely and be more relaxed than they usually are. For these reasons, I think alcohol can make parties more exciting.

6 Is music important to a party?

Yes. Everyone loves music. People feel good when they listen to songs they like and sway to the music. Sometimes there’s a lull in conversations and music is there to fill in that gap

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 6th March

IELTS Speaking Interview

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