BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th September


Speaking Interview
Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Sameer Perry.

Can I see your ID?

This is my passport.

Where are you from?

I live in Bombay.

Do you work or study?

I have recently completed a master in InTechnology from information technology from Pune University.

In your country do people wear hats and caps?

Yes, I’ve seen many people wearing hats or caps, especially in my community when I go to church on Sunday morning, I see elderly people wearing hats and the youth wearing stylish caps.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you wear caps and hats?

SometimesI wearthe cap fortwo reasons. One is when I see the temperature outside is very heated so I try to heat by wearing a cap. Second is sometimes I love wearing different kinds of caps just to look stylish.

Did you wear hats as a child?

Yes, I did. My grandfather was very much fond of wearing stylish and traditional hats. He would take me to church every Sunday morning, and I started following the same culture. He bought me a few hats when I was in school. I’ve treasured them yet and oftentimes I try them as per occasion.

Why do people wear hats and caps?

It’s a personal preference, and a lot depends upon the family culture. For instance, my family has traditionally been using hats and caps so we follow suit. Others might be doing it for beating the heat during the summer time. There is another group of people who want to look stylish and trendy and they might be thinking that wearing hats and caps fulfill their needs.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Speak about a rule that you don’t like.

What is/was that rule?

When and Where do/did you follow it?

Why don’t/didn’t you like this rule?

And do/did other people like the rule? Why?

IELTS Speaking Interview


Rules are the formal manners of the Norms and Mores, which are prevalent in every culture and society, all over the globe. They are considered to be essential in maintaining order and stability in a society, for bringing the suitable organization within behaviour of the people. Rules generally attract punishments in case of their violation, therefore they have this inherent nature of compliance for the people.

I used to study in a boarding school and boarding school is usually stuffed with the rules to impose right discipline in students. Although we had a strict schedule for everyday, which we had to adhere to, but there was this, one fundamental rule for our sports, which I used to detest a lot. It was to follow and play only a one particular game throughout your schooling.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Well, every new entrant in our school had to choose one particular game out of the many. Thereafter, he needed to build his skills and proficiencies in that game only, playing every day for 3 hours at least. I chose hockey when I joined and I started enjoying it too. But sometimes, after hearing about the popular shots or kicks in cricket or football, or sometimes, due to the feel of jumping in the swimming pool in scorching heat of summers; I thought of changing my game.

But, it was a rule to stick to just one game. And, even if you spot out your reasonable reasons in front of the coaches, it used to be such a tedious process of applications, and finally, after that only a few used to have that privilege of changing the game and those too, with another stricter unmodifiable rule of never being allowed to change the game twice. So, many students used to drop the idea of changing the game, even for the first time.

Actually, like every rule, this rule had the benefits of properly honing your skills at one proficiency; and it was reasonable too, that by playing one game for your schooling years, one becomes a player who can bring laurels for the school in sports championships.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Q. 1 Do you like rules, in general? State the reason too.

Sample answer: Well, I may not like all the rules out there but I know that they are there for the good only. For instance, I like riding a bike without helmet with winds soaring through my head, but the rule instructs us to always wear a helmet while driving. Now, this rule, even if I don’t like it, is for my good only.

Q. 2 Do you consider that some existing rules are irrational? Why?

Sample answer: Yes, I do consider that some rules are totally illogical and irrational. For instance, on the same example we discussed in the last answer, about helmets. Sikhs in our country are allowed to drive without helmet. That is understandable, considering the massive size of their turbans.

But imagine, just out of charity, this privilege was extended to their women too, as it looks odd that husband is driving without helmet while wife is sitting along with a helmet over her head. For the sake of this odd look, we gave this relaxation to Sikh women, compromising on our safety and security. Similarly, there are other such instances too, which can be easily observed in our day to day lives.

Q. 3 Do you think the necessity of rules for children too?

Sample answer: See, we need to look at it from a different perspective in case of children. I think they need to be taught about rules by their parents and teachers as well. Children are full of innocence, imposition of rules on them will come with a heavy burden. Rather, they should be taught about the fundamentals of civic life and the requirements of discipline and rules in it. One should walk on the left of the road, is one such thing ,which we can teach to a child and which later on becomes a traffic rule for him, when he grows adult.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th September

IELTS Speaking Interview

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