BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th October


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Sidhu Arsh.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Sidhu ji.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you believe in God?

Yes, I do rather I am a God-loving and a God-fearing person. What is your favourite colour? I love the green colour because it is a symbol of prosperity and it always creates a cheerful atmosphere in the surroundings.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is the importance of education in our lives?

Education provides an unflinching support to our skills and knowledge to survive, grow and support our family and the society. According to me, it is the fuel for growth and the supportive engine of the world.

Do you think practical knowledge should be given during college days?

Yes, it is essential to give practical training to the students because without practical knowledge, students get familiar only with the bookish world which can create problems for them when they face the real world.

What personality traits should be kept in mind when one has to achieve success in life/business?

There are many qualities needed to get success in life and business. Some of them are vibrant attitude, persistence, honesty, hard work, competitiveness, ability to envisage future outcomes and so on.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe your (or your friend’s) illness or injury experience. You should say:

– What was it

– When did it happen

– How did you (or your friend) handled it

and say how do you feel about it now.

IELTS Speaking Interview


I would like to talk about a car accident that happened to me a few years ago and resulted in serious injuries… It was a horrible experience that I would not want to relive … my family was driving home, when a big truck crashed into our passenger car.

 After the accident I blacked out and was transported to the hospital. When I regained consciousness, I discovered that I had five broked bones, several ruptures and many cuts and bruises. To restore the collarbone and leg bone, I had to go through operations, during which metal rods were put onto these bones to fix them…

IELTS Speaking Interview

Not surprisingly, I was in a severe pain, so physicians prescribed me to take painkillers and other medicines for a couple of weeks. During my recovery, I wasn’t able to walk properly and my life then was very difficult.

 But after several months of proper treatment and physical therapy I fully recovered … I even took up karate soon after! Although the illness was definitely not a pleasant experience, I am very happy and grateful that now I am healthy…

Probably, I leaned to value health and became stronger.


How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?

It’s an interesting question… In my opinion, government could encourage people to go in for sports by making it more affordable and popular… Promoting healthy food rationing on the television might be a good idea as well…

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is the best way of helping people with an addiction?

If you ask me, rehab is the best opnion for such people… Professional medical care is essential, if someone wants to overcome the addiction… However, it is also very important to have relatives and friends that would mentally support this person during this period of his or her life…

Do you think people start worrying more about their health as they become older?

Yes, without a doubt! When you’re young, you can affort to drink alcohol and stay awake all night long without damaging your health very much… But as you get older, your body demands more attention and care, therefore you need to worry about your health more and have frequent check-ups… 

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th October

IELTS Speaking Interview

IELTS Speaking Interview

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