BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd November


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Fatikosha Ghosta.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Fatikosha.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

What types of photos do you like taking? [Why/Why not?]

I must mention that I am not a professional photographer and do not understand the technical aspects of photography. Thus anything that seems beautiful or interesting is my subject of snap shooting. However, nature, children and landscapes are some common subjects that I like to frame in my camera.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What do you do with the photos you take? [Why/Why not?]

I first transfer the photos to my laptop and then sort out the ones I like. I then store those photos online. Sometimes I print out a few photos which I believe are worth printing. Sometimes I share a few of them online with my friends and family.

When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? [Why/Why not?]

I mostly like to take photos in that case. Buying postcards is not a common practice in my country these days. However, if I visit a different country, I do both. I believe taking photos and buying postcards have different appeals. Since I know very little about foreign cities, I try to buy some postcards to make it more interesting.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you like people taking photos of you? [Why/Why not?]

I would not allow a stranger to take a photo of mine. I think this is a breach of privacy. However, if the person is someone close to me, I might allow as I know his or her intention of taking my photograph.


Describe a product made in the region you come from or a popular product from your hometown

You should say:

– What it is, how it looks like

– What is it used for

– How is it made

– Explain why your country makes it

Explain why is it popular

IELTS Speaking Interview


As India is a diverse country, different varieties of products are available in different regions. There are many products, which are popular in my hometown which includes accessories, clothes and even footwear. Many products are used as souvenirs by tourists and many of them are used to gift one another by the local people too.

One such product which is made in my hometown is ‘Phulkari’ which means flower craft. It is usually done on a piece of cloth and this cloth varies in material from silk to georgette. Phulkari is done on many items such as a long piece of cloth such as a scarf, or on footwear.

Many different colours are usually incorporated in it, mainly consisting of bright colors like blue, red and pink . Now a days it is even done on black and white colours too. Sometimes to beautify it mirrors are added and it is made glitterier.

I would like to tell about phulkari on a long scarf. Different colours are symbolic of different occasions like red and blue are usually used by newly wedded brides, pink is mainly for young girls. It is a long piece of cloth used by women which is also wide enough to usually cover the shoulders and is also used to cover the head.

It is also given as a gift. It used to be made by hand by craftsmen in earlier times but nowadays modern textiles are also opened which make these. It is made of thick fabrics especially a thick cotton fabric, which is kept as a base.

IELTS Speaking Interview

A certain type of material is selected and then embroidery is done with colorful threads in different patterns. Some of these have embroidery all over the cloth while others have it just on the sides. It is symbolic of traditional methods of doing craft by the local people and it holds importance in weddings and important occasions.

Not only it carries a traditional importance but also provides financial support to the region because of its popularity among people to buy it. Using these kinds of traditional products is like taking the legacy from generation to generation.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Part 3 – Follow up Questions

Why do people use imported products?

People use imported products for many reasons. They are different from the local products. So, people buy them just for a change. Secondly, they may want to show off. Some imported products may have better quality, but it may not be necessarily so. Another major reason is that these imported products are now readily available online. People don’t have to go anywhere to buy them.

Do different places have their own popular products?

Yes, different places have their own products, but these products are now available everywhere. For example, Indian traditional suits have their outlets all over the world. But some things are associated with certain places. For example, Nagpur oranges, Kanchipuram sarees, Lakhnavi chickenkari etc.

What food is popular throughout the world?

All foods are available everywhere. As people have migrated to all parts of the food, so their food has also travelled with them. For example, Indian and chinese cuisines are there all over because Indians and Chinese are everywhere.

Why do people living in different regions like different food?

This is because, places with different climates support the growth of different vegetables and fruits. For example, Indian climate supports spices and that’s why Indian people like spicy food. Similarly, European climate supports potatos and so potatos are a promonent part of European diet.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd November

IELTS Speaking Interview

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