BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th November


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview


Part – 1 INTRO

What is your full name?

My name is Manraj Partap.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Manraj.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

What do you do?

I am a teacher. I teach physics at the government higher secondary school in Palakkad.

Were you playing outdoors as a child?

Yes, I was. I used to spend a great deal of time outdoors. I have an elder brother and a younger sister. As soon as we got home from school, we would rush to the backyard. We used to make our own amusements. I still miss those days.

What games were you playing then?

I used to play badminton with my siblings. We had a swing in the garden and I used to spend a lot of time on it. When I was a child I lived in a village. There were several ponds in my village. On Sundays I would go swimming with my brother and cousins. Sometimes we played hide and seek.

Do you allow your children to play outside now?

Yes, I do. We now live in a city. There is a nice park opposite my home. On weekends, I take my kids there and let them play. Our home is built on a small lot and it doesn’t have a play area. So, my kids can play outside only when we take them to a park or to our native place.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a time when you complained about something.

You should say:

– what the issue was

– whom you complained about it

– what the result was

and explain how you felt about it.

IELTS Speaking Interview


I am not really much into complaining unless I really, really have to. But, then, there come some situations when you have to complain because if you don’t, nobody will. It is like complaining in the public interest, I suppose.

Anyway, the last time, I complained, it was about 3 years ago when I stayed at a hotel, and I wasn’t really happy with some of the services it provided. In particular, the issues were about “unwashed” bedsheets and “irregular” house-keeping.

However, I formally complained about the issues to the General Manager of the hotel as the issues were bad enough for me, but they were even worse for a couple of sick and elderly people. In fact, they were having breathing problem due to some “damp” smell and dust mites which must have been caused by not cleaning the rooms on a regular basis. On top of that, if you have to sleep on some “unwashed” bedsheets and blankets, becoming even sicker is the only logical conclusion. 

IELTS Speaking Interview

Anyway, after the complaint was made, the manager seemed to get really busy with his hotel crews and staffs. The manager even apologized to me, saying that he had been just too busy with some other “priorities” lately, and as a result, things had become a bit “rusty” at the hotel, much to the discomfort of its guests.

However, in the end, the “hygiene” issue of the hotel was solved after my complaint, which, of course, was a good thing in the end.But, what I just couldn’t get out of my mind was that how possibly a hotel manager could have some other “priorities” except ensuring the best services for his guests! In fact, I felt like the well-being of his hotel guests was the last thing on his mind.

Besides, I also felt like I was simply being “ripped off” for the services, I was provided by the hotel, which was way, way below the standards. However, the only good feeling I had, in the end, was that a problem was actually solved because of my initiative.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Part – 3 follow ups

QUESTION ONE – What do people usually complain about in your country?

ANSWER) – They normally complain about the weather. In the summer, it’s really hot and humid and it makes everyone feel tired, so people normally talk about how hot it was that day and how they wish it was cooler. People also complain about the government a lot, although I don’t really know much about politics.”

– Do younger people complain more than older people?

ANSWER) – “I think most people complain about the same amount – they just complain about different things. Young people are often unhappy about how much homework they have or not being allowed to go out with their friends, while older people like to complain about young people and how the world is different now from when they grew up.”

– Do some people complain more than others?

ANSWER) – “I think so. Some people complain about every little thing and it is almost impossible to make them happy. Their food is always not quite right, the weather is too hot or too cold. They can never be happy because they always focus on the negative things rather than the good.”

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th November

IELTS Speaking Interview

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