BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th December


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Nemo Founda.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Nemo.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like to travel?

Yes, absolutely.Travelling is my top hobby because whenever I travel, I can meet and get to know many new people from different cultures and nations, which helps me to broaden my horizons.

Do you often travel by air?

No, not much.Travelling by air too often is out of my reachfor a student like me. However, I do travel by air once or twice a year to an ASEAN member because the airfares to these destinations are quite affordable.

IELTS Speaking Interview

How long was the longest trip you took?

I went on a 9-day trip to Thailand and this was my longest trip ever. I spent 3 days in Bangkok, 2 days in Pattaya and 3 days in Phuket. The remaining one day was allocated for moving.

Which country would you like to travel to in the future?

Italy is my dream destinationas it is hometothe most stunning churches in the world. Also, I love the Italian culture, language and friendly people whom I’ve met in Vietnam.

Would you like to travel to space?

Yes, it sounds a bit weird and scary though.

I am curious about how other planets look and how I would be when there is no gravity. This idea really scares me off but as it sounds pretty intriguing, I would like to try travelling to space once.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a plant, flower or tree that you like.

– What type of plant, flower or tree is it?

– Where does it grow, or is usually seen?

– When did you first see it and why do you like it?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Sample answer

Nature and its biodiversity have given us so many beautiful plants and trees of different kinds. These bear beautiful flowers, and delicious fruits and vegetables. I find all of this greenery around me to be very attractive and I like it very much. One of these is the rose flower, that I like the most. It is a perennial flower that grows on a woody plant. Highly abundant, this flower is found all over the world. It has many varieties in different colours.

Its beauty and intricate design have led to its use as an ornamental plant. Apart from that, it has a sweet and pleasing scent and has various uses. People use it for decorations, in bouquets, and for making perfumes. Also used in the making of food, drinks, and medicine, it is a highly beneficial plant.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Actually, I first saw it as a child, when I went to a rose garden with different rose varieties blooming in one place. A highly intriguing sight, these flowers enchanted me with their charm and pleasant smell and I was lost into this picturesque sight. As I grew older I found that it is also considered as a physical representation of love, and used in the art for many years. Hence, I have started liking the rose flower very much since then.


1. What kind of plants do people like to grow in their homes?

In India, people like to grow many different types of plants like medicinal herbs, flowers, fruits, and so on. We also have many plants in our home, but I don’t know most of their names. The few that I know are Neem, Tulsi, Rose, Hibiscus, etc.

2. Do people in India like to gift plants?

Gifting plants wasn’t very common a few years ago, but it is becoming popular. Earlier, people used to mainly gift sweets, but now as many people are facing problems like obesity and diabetes, people have started looking for different gifts and plants are one of them. Recently, we attended my uncle’s housewarming party, and many people gifted them plants.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th December

IELTS Speaking Interview

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