BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st December


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Shriy Yahuma.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Shriy.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Who do you trust the most?

Absolutely my mother. She was my very first best friend in life and always has my back and keeps my secrets. Throughout the ups and downs of my life, my mother has always stood by my side, and given me support whenever I have been in need.

Have you ever lost trust in someone?

Yes, my best friend, Jack who used to be my closest confidant until I saw him getting intimate with my crush, even though he knew that had deep affection for her. Then, we drifted apart and our friendship came to a halt. After that, frustrating and unpleasant memories about a bad friend in the past obsess me whenever somebody strikes up a conversation with me.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What kind of people do you trust?

I guess only our family members are trustworthy and willing to help us wholeheartedly. After being betrayed by my best friend, I can hardly put faith in anybody else. I am afraid that when I confide in someone, he or she may share my secrets with others.

Do you eat a lot?

No, I’m trying to maintain a healthy diet. As a person who is prone to weight gain, I have to refrain myself from eating my favorite foods, especially after 7PM. In the past, I used to be an obese person with an insatiable appetite for food, so I avoid eating too much now.

Do you like eating healthy food?

I love it. Healthy food like veggies or fruits is highly beneficial to my health as it helps me to stay physically fit and avoid cardiovascular diseases. Besides, this kind of food is scrumptious when used as ingredients for mouth-watering salads.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe the job/ career you have or hope to have.

You should say:

– what the job is

– what is involves

– why you would chose it

and explain why you are interested in this job.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Sample Answer:

I love travelling, reading and writing. So, if ever I get a chance to switch my career from an IT professional it would definitely be of a traveler. I want to be the person who travels a lot, makes memories, meet lot of people and then write about it. My story has lot of stories in it and lot of characters and emotions. I wish, if ever I write  story about myself, it be of lot of colors, experiences and moments.

Travelling involves basically travelling to lot of new places, exploring it and meeting new people. It is about getting to know about new cultures and new ideas. There are so many stories of our country that are hidden in the hearts of people and these are the stories that I want to explore. I wish that someday I am able to show the world the true India.

IELTS Speaking Interview

There is no particular reason why I chose it, it was neither for money nor for fame. The only reason that I want to travel all around the world is because I want to know people and their stories and what they feel about things. I just love it. You know when people express their fears, their joys, their emotions. It is so much more exciting. And then when you visit a new place, there is so much promising in it. You get to know about the history of the place and for some reasons the present starts making so much more sense when you know about your past.

Even more, it gives you that feeling of freedom. So, you are not associated with a particular job and there is no boss. You are your own boss, you need not to listen to anyone but your heart and it is very exciting for me. To do things, not because you are told to do them, but because you feel like doing them. There is no rationals behind them, anymore. It is so much more of heart and so much more fulfilling.

IELTS Speaking Interview


What is the most famous sector in your country?

Most of the people in my country are associated with Information technology. So, you would find lot of software engineers in my country. Apart from them, there are people who prefer banking sector or may be the teaching sector. However, in the recent times there has been a substantial change in the way people make career choices. Now, we find lot of people interested in going to photography or making a career out of writing and it is amazing. Because there are so many more creative heads out there.

Do you think people in your country are paid according to the work they do?

Well, for the most part I think people in my country are paid less when compared to the ones of foreign countries. People out here are much more talented but when it comes to salary, often people work at less wages and stressful days. It, I believe, is one of the major reason why people prefer going to companies that offer onsite opportunities or may be after some time start working for biggies that offer much more salary.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 31st December

IELTS Speaking Interview

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