BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th February


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Pretyu Shahi.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Pretyu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you have many friends? Why? Why not?

As I’ve already said, I had many friends when I was in my high school. But these days I have comparatively fewer close friends.

What do you usually do with your friends?

I enjoy playing outdoor games, watching movies in a theatre, having conversations related to recent political and international issues, sharing my updates and concerns, going long drive with my friends. The best part is the open conversation we can have related to almost any topic.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Are friends as important to you as your family?

To me, my family is more important. However, this does not make my friends less important to me. Naturally, family comes first for almost everybody and then the friendship. I am no exception.

Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?

When I was in my early teens, I preferred many friends but nowadays I have few friends but they are very close to me. So I would say, I prefer having few close friends than having too many ordinary friends.

What do you expect from a good friend? 

Well, that’s a tough question! Not that I have not thought about it, but I have never drawn a solid conclusion about it! Umm, my expectation from a good friend is that he would be a good companion, good listener, would criticise me whenever needed, would be supportive and positive. He must be honest and would have a sense of humour. Finally, I expect him to be more like a family member than an outsider.

IELTS Speaking Interview


A trip you took by public transport.

– Where did you have to travel and why?

– What transport did you choose?

– Why did you choose it?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Sample Answer

Public transport is a medium of transport that is provided by a government or a private entity for the public. Highly convenient, reliable, and affordable as well, this medium of transport is a boon to millions of people worldwide. I also find it very beneficial and it has proven to be of great importance time and again.

With so many people traveling from home to work, city to city, or interstate as well, it is important for them in order to commute from one place to another.

I personally find it to be a great service, as well as a blessing whenever any urgent task has required me to travel without a personal vehicle. There have been various instances wherein my car or motorcycle was not working, and I had to reach my workplace, or when I had to travel to another distant city and I couldn’t travel by car. One such memorable incident took place when I was in college. My summer vacations were about to end, and I suddenly fell ill. I could not use my car to travel due to fatigue, so I decided to take a bus. Reaching college was very important, so I booked my tickets, and reached the bus station.

IELTS Speaking Interview

The bus started after a little while, and I sat down on my seat, looking out of the window. It was a very relaxed journey, as I did not have to drive, and I could eat snacks and read a book. I also had conversations with my fellow passengers, and got time to look out beautiful views from the window. Though I chose the bus travel as I was ill, but the amazing journey that I covered, changed my perspective on bus travels as well. If I get a chance to travel by bus again, I would definitely choose it again.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Question 1:- Do you think traffic jams would be reduced if people could travel on public transport for free?

Answer 1:- Yes, of course, the problem of traffic congestion will be sorted out when individuals like to prefer daily transportation in their day to day life because public transport always follows a specific path even they don’t require any surroundings of the road so when people get a fractionated to use public transport definitely traffic jams would be a sort out in a few time.

Question 2:- Do you think people should use public transportation more often?

Answer 1:- Yes, I agree about the notion even visual should use public transportation in their day to day life because the prices of public transport is a quite compatible with the pockets of the individuals. Even it’s also saved our environment because vehicles produce more and more toxic gases in the atmosphere, so it’s very harmful to the ecosystem. Even so, many people like to take a transportation system which provides by the higher authorities.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Question 3:- What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?

Answer 1:- Well, in terms of merit and demerits of air travel, firstly, if the price is reduced in air travel. As a result, the intensity of commuters will be spiked sharply, which will cause environmental problems because aeroplanes produce a higher emission of harmful gases which are incompatible with the environment. On the other hand, if the price surges, the problem of the environment will be sorted out; when increasing the fares of air travel, many people reduce their travel time and prefer public transportation more often.

Question 4:- Which method of travel do you consider safest? Why?

Answer 1:- I think all the methods are quite safest in the time of journey but in the term of Railways transportation is a quite compatible with the individuals because the risk of life is about 0% in this journey because the railway is always followed all the protocol and parameters which operated by the headquarter so I think this would be no chances of any accident during the journey.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th February

IELTS Speaking Interview

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