BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th March


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Maanita Rana.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Maanita.

May I see your identification?

Sure, here you go.

Do you often read newspapers?

Yes, I often read newspapers. I read the newspaper every day. I come to know what is happening around me and in the world.

Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?

I prefer reading newspapers because I like to know what is happening around me.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What kinds of (types of) newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read?

My father has subscribed to the Tribune. So I read that daily. It is a National newspaper, but has a maximum circulation in Punjab.

What kinds of news do Indian people read in newspapers?

Indian people like to read fall types of news. They read local news, National news, International news, Sports news and much other news.

Do you prefer to read about domestic (or local) news or international news? (Why?)

I like to read domestic news as well as international news.

What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?

Some newspapers use colourful graphics. Some use very bold headlines. Some newspapers add puzzles like Sudoku and crossword puzzles to attractive readers.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe your study room.

You should say:

– How large it is?

– How much time do you spend there daily?

– What things this room has?

– And give details of your study room.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer

I have a study room of my own at my home and I like it most for several reasons. This is the room that is filled with different books and reading materials. Everyone who comes to my home likes my study room.

I am a student of Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya in Haryana in India and live in a traditional house with my other family members. My university is only for the females and the environment is good enough for us. There are plenty of options to study at the university but I prefer to study at home as most of the places in the university are crowded. So, I have made a study room of my own at home. The room is around 12 feet by 10 feet. There are two windows inside the room faces the garden outside of the house.

I usually spend around four to five hours in the room daily and complete my necessary tasks like studying, assignment preparation, reading books etc. Sometimes I gossip with my friends who come to visit me and often I take my meals in this room. Generally, I enter the room in the evening and come out before sleeping. But if I have an emergency, I do not follow any routine to get into the room and complete the works. Moreover, sometimes I use the room for entertainment as well and this happens on the holidays and there are no time limits for that.

IELTS Speaking Interview

The room is well decorated with a medium reading table made with the finest wood. Besides, there is a desktop computer with an active internet connection. The room is well ventilated with two large windows. Often I complete my study by sitting on the wooden chair that was made with the table. Besides, there are two small pieces of sofas are set on the corner of the room for the guests.

According to my plan, my dad has made a small cot for me so that I could use that at night times for relaxation as sitting on a wooden chair may make me feel uncomfortable. My study room is also well decorated with some small pot plants and they have raised the beauty of my room as well.

I love this room very much and have made it comfortable for my needs. Often I need to use the room for long hours and accordingly I have set all the things. Sometimes I sleep in the room as well on the small bed set on a corner. The lighting system is very well and there are some hidden lights that I use when I watch movies on a computer or chat with my guests. A great environment is created that makes all feel comfortable.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Q. How does a study room help a student?

Answer: The most important aspect of having a separate study room is that it’s quiet and personal. It gives a nice environment for studying and preparing for the exam. People can be totally isolated in their study rooms and can concentrate on what they want to do as they aren’t distracted by others. A study room is the most suitable places for a student to study.

Moreover, they can access the Internet, read or write, allocate their time in study and take rest whenever they want. This is not possible in other places. Therefore, a study room can lead to a more effective and constructive way of studying and offer an even easier way of understanding and assimilating new information and knowledge. Finally, a student can be totally himself whenever he is in his study room without worrying about what others would think about him.

Q. Do you like to study? What type of books do you read?

Possible answer 1:  I love to read books-  be it a reference book, novel, biography or anything else that attracts me. Sometimes reading for an exam is a bit monotonous, but the outcome is great as it enhances my knowledge. Since I have already completed my graduation, I mostly read books that seem interesting to me. This includes fiction, biography, history and reference books.

IELTS Speaking Interview

I am an active member of Goodreads – a website of an extensive user-populated database of books, annotations, and reviews. This website is a great source for picking up books to read. Besides I maintain a technology-related blog and for updating this blog, I need to read different articles and posts online.    

Q. Which one do you prefer – reading or travelling? Why?

Answer: It’s an interesting question and a bit difficult for me to answer as both pastimes are not only entertaining but also important in people’s life. Reading can help someone acquire knowledge, enhance skills and competencies and of course stimulate our mind. Books are unparalleled in creating enlightened citizens in society. 

Travelling, on the other hand, broadens our horizons, allows us to make new acquaintances and meet people from around the world. In addition to this, we can become knowledgeable about a country’s history, customs and culture by travelling and this results in becoming a more broad-minded and less regressive person. It is indeed a tough call for me to decide my preference between these two! However, if I have to, I would say that travelling is a bit more preferable to reading because it offers me a chance to witness things and events that I never want to miss.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 7th March

IELTS Speaking Interview

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