BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th March


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Dmijha Singla.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Dmijha.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

How often do you buy shoes?

For me comfort of shoes is more important than the looks, so whenever I find a pair of shoes that are very comfortable I don’t miss the chance to buy .As a matter of fact I end up buying a pair of shoes every month.

Have you ever bought shoes online?

Yes, online shopping these days offers a wider range of products, than conventional shopping in the stores. So I prefer to buy shoes online these days. I just bought a pair yesterday.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

Yes I have come across many people who like to buy a lot of shoes. My sister, my aunt, my mother all of them have a good collection of Shoes in all colours.

What’s your favourite type of shoes?

As I just mentioned my favourite type of pair of shoe is the one that offers comfort rather than good looks only. I like shoes that are simple in design and polish able.

Did you ever forget to bring something?

Yes, once I had to go to Ludhiana by bus. I forgot my wallet at home. Fortunately, I knew someone in the bus, who helped me. Otherwise, I would have had to get down midway.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a person who can use/speak a second language.

You should say:

Who this person is?

What language this person can use/speak?

How often this person uses/speaks this language?

And explain how this second language is helpful for this person.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer

The use of the second language in Vietnam is very important and most of the people are unable to speak a second language properly or they have some sort of pronunciation problem. But I know a man who is able to speak a second language flawlessly and he uses the language to his everyday tasks.

Mr Giang Dung is my neighbour and lives in the next apartment at the apartment complex we are living now. He is a mobile phone engineer by profession and owns a mobile selling business at a shopping mall located in the downtown of the city. He mostly uses the language with his clients. Some of his clients are foreigners and he needs to communicate with them in the second language to serve them in the right manner.

Besides, he also takes classes at a local language club and teaches how to speak the second language. He can speak the language like the native speakers and the key behind his speaking fluency is that he visited some of the European countries for around 10 years before he started his own mobile phone selling businesses in Vietnam.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Mr Giang Dung is able to speak English as his second language. He is also capable of speaking some other languages like French, Japanese and German. He has spent a part of his life in those countries and learnt the languages. He has spent a notable time of his life in England and thus he has made English as his second language. He is able to speak fluently and his pronunciation is like the native English people. Usually, he uses English with people who are not familiar with the local language.

Since English is an international language, it is used everywhere in the world for communication. Almost all the countries use English as their second language and the scenario is similar in Vietnam as well. But many of the English speaking people are unable to articulate the words perfectly as it is done by Mr Dung. He has made his speaking tone attractive that most of the times people keep listening to him.Mr Dung uses English frequently with everyone and prefers to practice the language with his students most. As Vietnam is gradually developing and many of the global tourists come here to visit the historical places especially related to the wars, the necessity of English is emerging here.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Besides, many of the visitors need to buy or repair their cellular phones during their stay in the country and thus they have to move to the shopping malls where the mobile phones are sold or repaired. Mr Dung is quite familiar in the city for his business and in most of the cases, he is referred by the people as he can take a good care of the tourists and visitors arriving out of Vietnam. He speaks his second language with the people and sometimes he uses the other languages as well if the tourists belong to Germany or Japan. In fact, he loves to speak English and shares positive information about Vietnam to them.

IELTS Speaking Interview


At what age should children start learning a foreign language?

I think children should start learning a foreign language at the age of 4 or 5 when they enter school because things learnt during that phase of life are retained and understood forever. It is the best age to build a base in perceiving and grasping anything, even a foreign language like English.

Which skill is more important speaking or writing?

I think both skills are equally important. If a person does not have good speaking or writing skills, they will not be able to communicate their thoughts or ideas effectively and clearly. Both these skills are required in daily routine as well as in professional life.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Does a person still need to learn another language if he is good in English?

Well, I think learning one global language is sufficient unless there is no special need for learning another foreign language for specific purposes such as working in a French firm or moving to a province like Quebec in Canada may require one to learn French even if he/she is well versed with English.

Do you think minority languages will disappear?

Yes, I believe so because due to the dominance of global languages like English, French and Spanish, many regional languages like Navajo (pronounced as Navaho) are not being paid emphasis upon and are no longer being used by the local people to communicate. As a consequence, the young generation refrains from learning these languages which will ultimately lead to their disappearance.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th March

IELTS Speaking Interview

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