BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th March


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Sunrotika Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Sunrotika.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Are you working or studying?

At the moment, I’m working but I want to go and study in Australia next year.

Can you describe your job?

Yes, I’m a Software Engineer and currently I’m working for an international company which develops a suite of financial solutions for investment banks.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you prefer working in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Why?

Generally, I think I probably work better in the morning when I feel fresh. Although sometimes I do lot of work at home at night, sometimes quite late at night, I find it easier to focus, so those are the two times of day when I feel most productive or creative normally.

How often do you use a dictionary?

Not very often really, maybe once or twice a week.

Do you prefer using a paper or online one? Why?

I normally just consult one of the online dictionaries because I don’t have a paper dictionary. If I need to check a word or something I’ll access a dictionary on my phone or o laptop depending where I am.\

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a street that you like to visit

You should say:

– where is it

– how often you go there

– what you usually do there

– and explain why you like to go there

Sample Answer

I want to describe a street from my hometown for this topic where I had spent a lot of time during my youthful days. This street is called Old Polish Street, and it was pretty close to my school and famous among youngsters to hang out with their friends in the evening.

I used to frequently visit this street, sometimes 5 to 6 times a week, and spent time with my friends during my school days. Now, since I live in a different city; I rarely visit this street except when visiting my hometown.

IELTS Speaking Interview

This was not a very wide street, and it ran through around 200 meters before it allied to the main street on the other end. Only a few vehicle owners and pedestrians used this road. It had merely a couple of residential buildings back then and a 5-story commercial building. But the situation has changed now. We used to hang around and kill time after school. We used to learn to ride motorcycles here and ate at the local food stall. We used to go there to create memories.

This is where I spent some of the best days of my life. It’s a special place for me, so it will always be a part of my reminiscence. Sometimes, even now, it reminds me of things I used to do there and how precious our young days were. I love this street very much for these reasons, and it will always be an extraordinary place in my mind.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Why do people have a very strong bond with their hometown?

People have a strong bond with their hometown because that is the place where are born and that it is the place where all their friends or loved ones dwell.

In what ways can you improve your hometown?

My hometown is one of the biggest cities in my country, but there is one problem in my city which is traffic congestion.

Some people want to live in their hometowns for the rest of their lives. Why?

People desire to live in their hometowns because they are well connected and well aware of the place. Some people feel that the staying close to a family member can be a distraction and they want to go far from them to achieve their set goals objectives.

What is the main reason for liking a hometown other than the fact you were born there?

Yes you are right, the first reason people like their hometowns is the fact that they were born there. The other reason for liking the hometown is that people are

IELTS Speaking Interview

Which affects a person’s personality more, the hometown or the current city? Why

Hometown defines how a person behaves and the current city defines how a person wants to change. I think that the hometown has a much greater impact on a person than the current city.

Most people in this world do not live in their hometowns. Why?

Most people in the world have to leave their hometowns because they have to achieve their dreams which requires from them to leave the city. Other people are so much flooded with family problems that they opt to leave the city in order to run from the social and family problems.

What do people do to remember their hometowns or to keep them alive in their hearts?

One thing people might do is that they try to meet the people who were of the same city or they can also keep their hometowns alive in their hearts buy celebrating the carnival or festivals which were celebrated in the hometown.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 13th March

IELTS Speaking Interview

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