BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th March


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Shaksham Arora.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Shaksham.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you care about fashion?

I used to in my younger days, I remember always looking to see what my favourite musicians were wearing and then try to copy them, but now that I’m older I don’t really care as long as I look smart.

What kind of things do you normally wear?

It depends what I’m doing really. If I’m working I always wear a dress shirt and trousers, but we don’t have to wear a tie. If I’m going out it will be more casual like a polo shirt and jeans and if I’m at home it will be really relaxed, just a t-shirt and shorts.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Are there any traditional clothes in your country?

I have no idea. There might be but I can’t recall ever hearing anyone talking about them or seeing someone wearing them.

Where do you usually purchase your clothes?

I used to go to the trendy shops when I was a student, but now I’m older and have little time I just like to go to a big shopping centre or department store and buy everything there. It’s more convenient that way and it means I don’t have to run all over town just for a few clothes.

Have you ever bought clothes online?

No, because I don’t trust their clothes to always fit me. I know a few people who order lots of clothes online and order a few different sizes and then send the ones that don’t fit them back, but I can’t be bothered with all that. It’s much quicker to go into a proper shop and try the clothes on there and make sure they are a proper fit.

IELTS Speaking Interview


A speech that somebody gave and you liked.

– You should say:

– When it was?

– Who gave the speech and what it was about?

 – Who were present there?

– Explain why it was the best gift/ present you have ever received?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer

Speeches are often intolerable though aimed for betterment but my point of view about the speech is dissimilar. I am never bored with speeches and if that aimed at improving skills, I gladly accept that. Last day I had to experience such a speech from our college sports instructor.

I am a student of D K Govt. College in Andhra Pradesh in India and love taking part in sports. It was just after the handball practice inside the college playground when the sports teacher delivered the speech to me and my team.

Actually, my college was a participant in an inter-college handball championship but the team performance was not in a satisfactory state. Thereby, the teacher advised us in his speech. The speech was given by Mr Gaurav Pandey, the sports teacher and instructor of the college. He is really a nice man and everyone praises him for his benevolent behaves.

IELTS Speaking Interview

So, when he started to use some rebuking words to us, we realised that we had made a great mistake with the performance. Usually, he does not speak even in a loud voice and his sudden change in manners and attitudes with us proved our inefficiency with the sport. But on the later stage, he turned back to his real face ? the gentle one. He then politely made us understood that we need to be better with the handball and he was on the view that we were neglecting the competition.

In fact, he was true. He pointed out the pitfalls of the team and also suggested to improve. When he delivered the speech, he asked almost all the teachers to be present at the college playground.

Since it was the very first participation of D K Govt. College in an inter-college championship, everyone was excited. But Mr Pandey did not want us to be excited rather he stressed on the practice ? the thing we did least. So, he wanted all teachers related to the academic activities to be present there and inspire us so that we could win the matches or at least try our best to win. I liked the speech from several aspects.

Firstly, the speeches were inspiring (though he rebuked us seriously for being inattentive on the practices) for me and the team members. Besides, being the captain of the team, I also ignored the practices often showing some excuses. But his speeches worked as an eyeopener for me. Before the speech, I used to make delay on arrival on the ground, and even missed some of the practice sessions. So, naturally, he was angry to me and advised me to be more regular on the practice sessions. His positive attitudes and motivational speech worked on me well and thus I liked the speech much.

IELTS Speaking Interview


1. What kind of advice do parents give to their children?

There is a saying that one’s good or bad habits and behaviours depend on how one’s parents bring them up. So, every parent has a responsibility to guide their children to learn good things. Parents give advice to children on various matters like studies, choice of friends, play, food habits etc.

2. How do experts give advice to others?

Professionals in any field are experienced and knowledgeable and have the ability to lead others. For example, if we approach a doctor for any health problem, he will understand why we are suffering and what is the solution to that problem. Based on that, he/she will give us advice on what to do and how to do it.

3. What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

In my opinion, advising children and even people above 20+ years old is less difficult as compared to teenagers. Because this is a risky age to be easily misled by bad friends. So, it is crucial and challenging for parents to keep them away from bad mates. Parents monitor their children’s activity and moreover, they want to meet friends to know their behaviour. It helps the parents to avoid their child’s bad partner and stay away from their child.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th March

IELTS Speaking Interview

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