BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th March


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Gallimaki.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Gallimaki.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Where did you play when you were a child?

As I grew up in an outdoorsy family, I always used to play outside in my yard. Since we lived on a large piece of property that was partly wooded, I often used to play in there and find creatures such as snakes, turtles, salamanders, frogs, or other critters. As a kid, I was never afraid of creepy crawlers! On rainy days, I would come inside and spend hours by my doll house or coloring.

Did you play at your friend’s home?

Yes, I did! I had a few best friends, so we would often set up play dates. All of my friends also had big yards, so we would play tag, jump on the trampoline, play hide and seek, etc. One of my friends had a Nintendo Game Cube which I didn’t have, so we would spend hours playing Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Did you prefer to play outside or inside when you were young?

Definitely outside! I always had more fun in my sandbox or finding critters rather than sitting inside playing games or watching TV. I know that no matter how much I change, I’ll always be an outdoorsy person.

Do you think it’s important for children to play outside?

Very! Nowadays, I feel sad that children are glued to video games and TV rather than spending time taking in breaths of fresh air. Of course some video games and cartoons are okay, but I think children should spend more time outdoors to benefit their mental and physical health.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a memorable photo.

You should say:

– When the photograph was taken?

– What is in it?

– What significant memories you have connected with this photograph

– and explain why it is one of your favourite photographs.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer

There is one photograph on my shelf at home that was taken when I was only 10 years old.? In the photo, I am with my parents, grandfather, and grandmother, and it is one of my very favourite ones because I am happy and surrounded by my family. Sadly, I do not clearly remember what was happening during the shoot, but I have seen it a thousand times and still, I look at it with delight and sadness. I often take a look at it, and stop amazed, because I always forget how different I looked like when I was so small.

I was wearing a long-sleeve shirt, a colorful skirt, and a pair of red shoes. In the picture, I am in the middle of the small crowd of my family and seated on a chair. Others standing around me – my parents are on the right and my grandparents are on the left. My father was very stylish back in the day and wears a fashionable suit in the picture. My grandfather had spectacles on and had his hair brushed back. This photograph is probably my most favourite one, as it conveys the memory of my grandparents and depicts a happy family.

In order to enhance and underpin its specialty to me, I decided to order a custom frame adorned with flowers. Maybe I overestimate the meaning of this picture, but it truly means a lot. I hope, my children will also consider it a priceless possession and would like to keep it with them for the rest of their lives.

IELTS Speaking Interview


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photographs?

Answer: The primary advantage of taking photographs is that it helps us preserve the memories of both of our good times and “not-so” good times. By taking photographs, we can also establish a truth, especially, in situations where people are “maligned” unfairly. Besides, when choosing it as a “hobby”, we can always enjoy having a good time with our cameras by taking pictures of different “good” things randomly that we really like

Among the disadvantages, sometimes, you might get so obsessed with photography that you forget to live and enjoy your life in the present moment. Besides, depending on the photographs in order to get the whole picture about a person or a situation can be misleading at times.’

IELTS Speaking Interview

2. How has modern technology changed the way we take photographs?

Answer: Technology, especially in the form of digital photography, has made taking photographs way more easy today than at any other time in the history of photography.  With the digital camera, today we have more opportunities to take the photo from any location, distance and angle, take as many photos as we want, view them instantly, process it and then share it more quickly and efficiently than ever before. Besides, because of technology, messy and unnecessary paper prints are becoming more and more obsolete as there are many other ways to view photographs today.

3. How has sharing photographs changed since your grandparents’ time?

Answer: Photographs sharing have changed very significantly since our grandparents’ time for better, of course. Back in our grandparents’ time, we used to rely either on postal mails and other forms of “human courier” which would take days and weeks to share the photographs, sometimes damaged because of bad weather, with our families and loves ones. But, today, we can share our pictures “intact” with anybody in the world in the blink of an eye, courtesy to the internet and computer technology. Besides, unlike during our grandparents’ time, we save our photographs on computers and “cloud servers”, for sharing purposes instead of a paper-based, and physical photo albums.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th March

IELTS Speaking Interview

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