BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd March


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Yuvika Gogdi.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Yuvi.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you use internet?

Yes, I use the internet a lot, especially for research for my studies. I also use the internet for chatting with my friends, watching movies and playing games.

IELTS Speaking Interview

When was the first time you used the internet?

 The first time I used the internet was when I was in around 10-11 years old. We got a computer and an internet connection set up at our home.

Is the internet very important (or useful) to you?

Yes, the internet is very important / useful for me. I mostly use it for research purposes for my studies. It also helps me stay connected with my friends.

Do you think you can really learn history from films and TV programmes?

Yes, definitely. TV programs and films make learning about history interesting and easy. Reading about history may become very boring after a while. Children also learn history better if an audio-visual medium is used.

Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?

Yes, Internet is a good way to learn about history. It is a vast source of knowledge. We can search about any topic related to history and get all the information we need. There are also videos, documentaries, podcasts, e-books etc. also available on the Internet.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe an important piece of news that you received via text message.

You should say:

– Who shared the message with you?

– What the news was about?

– How was it written?

– Explain why the news was important?

Model Answer

Mobile phones have become an important part of our lives. Even though there are many applications that we use on our phones, calling and texting are the two main features that have always been used. Today I will talk about a time where I received a piece of good news via a text message. It was from a cousin, Preeti who lives in Australia. She is five years elder to me but we used to play a lot in our childhood and I always looked up to her. She moved to Australia when I was still in school.

At that time we didn’t have mobile phones. We used to stay in touch through calls and letters. Later we both got mobile phones and now we chat or video call one another. Last year in the month of May, I woke up and checked my phone.

IELTS Speaking Interview

I had a text message notification on my phone from Preeti. It was a short simple message about her getting her dream job in one of the best hospitals in Sydney. But I was able to almost feel her excitement while reading it. I was extremely happy to read that message as she had been talking about it for the last six months. I knew all the hard work she had put in to first complete her education in that field and then get a suitable job. I immediately called her and congratulated her.

She didn’t want to wake me up, due to the time difference, and had chosen to send me a text message instead. Everyone in the family spoke to her and congratulated her. It was a very special day and I was happy all day. I still remember that text message and that day very clearly. And she is happy at her job and is enjoying it everyday. I am sure she’ll do great in her career and always wish the best for her.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Why is it that some people today dislike sending text messages?

Some People today dislike sending text messages because they believe it is simpler and quicker to the phone than simply typing a text message and then awaiting a response. Additionally, at times the text possibly misinterpreted and might result in misunderstandings.

2. What’s the information that Cannot be Communicated through text messages?

Information That’s confidential should not be conveyed via text messages. Other than that, in scenarios that need communicating feelings, emotions, or even a deeper significance, just text messages can’t communicate that and need face-to-face interaction.

IELTS Speaking Interview

4. What do you think about classic paper mails?

I Believe the conventional newspaper mails still maintain some worth in the present world of technologies. There are those that aren’t too familiar with technology and favor paper communication. There can also be individuals who don’t have access to technologies, particularly in remote places. In addition, for individual communication, handwritten newspaper letters include an individual touch, convenient, and easier to remain in contact with our loved one’s members and friends, regardless of space. It’s also the preferred mode for much official communication.

5. Do you think It’s still a Fantastic way to Deliver information using conventional mails?

Yes, in certain instances, conventional mails are A fantastic means to provide information. There are several men and women, as an instance, some older individuals who are uncomfortable using technology, who favor that documented communication be transmitted to them in a conventional way.

6. Have our methods to communicate with every Other changed in the past few decades?

Yes, It surely has. Before, the majority of the communication occurred through handwritten or typed paper emails. But now the majority of the communication is digital, through mails, chat programs, telephone calls, movie calls, etc..

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd March

IELTS Speaking Interview

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