BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th March


 IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is QAWSE Rawa.

How may I address you?

You may address me as QAWSE.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

How often do you meet with your family?

I stay with my family. I meet my family members every day.

How do you spend the time with your family?

I spend time with family in many ways. We eat together, cook together, watch TV together and do many things together.

Do you want to live with your family in the future?

Yes, definitely. My family is my life Even though I want to go to some foreign country temporarily; I finally want to be with my family.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Are you close to all of your family members?

Yes, we are a very close-knit family.

How has your family influenced you?

My family has influenced me in many ways. We depend on each other for many things. We guide each other from time to time and we do many things together.

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

There are so many advertisements because there are many products, and the manufacturing companies are competing with each other. They have to advertise to stay in the race. So we have an advertisement for almost each and every product that is available.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a funny text message you have ever received.

You should say:

– What it was about?

– Who sent it to you?

– When you received this message?

and explain why you think this was a funny text message.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer

Sending text messages instead of making phone calls is annoying to me, and I?think it wastes time. But I enjoyed a text message from one of my friends and?that text message was sent to me marking my birthday.

The message says that I was born to pressurize them on different issues and?they want to get relief from the pressures. It also quoted that I shall feel some?pains as they experience the next day when I will at college. In fact, the?friend was wishing my death on my birthday. But I know this was not his actual?desire rather he composed the text message for me to have some fun with me.

I know all of my friends and it is true that I put some pressure on them often?to make the things done, especially the college projects. Most of the time, it is?me who is responsible for completing the college projects though the projects are?meant to be done in a team. But some of my mischievous friends try to avoid?the assignments. Then I have to force them to complete the tasks and thus?being angry (!) one of them has sent the message on my birthday to make me?aware of the pressures.

I received the message on my cell phone and it was sent by Michael Steve.?Steve is one of my closest buddies in the college in Hyderabad in India. I have?many other friends here and most of them are wicked in nature. They love to?irritate other people and at times they are also irritated by the others which?becomes painful for them. There are different events about such irritations.?Once they took a boy to a local restaurant to feed and all of them get out of?the restaurant without paying the bill. The boy had to pay all the bills and was?greatly shocked.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Steve was one of the foreign students studying here and also?took part in such wicked activities and sometimes I accompanied them as well.?I received the text message at 12.00am on April 17 in 2016. It was the date?when I was born in 1996. Interestingly, I did not disclose my birthday to?anyone in my college for several reasons. The first and most important thing?about me is that I am a bit of an introvert in nature.

Often I dislike meeting or greeting people without any specific reasons and whenever the works are done, I leave them. I also dislike staying outside the home. But when it is about my studies or something important for me, I try to do as much hard work as possible for me.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Often my college for architecture asks my team to have some team works and I have to lead the team after the orders from my respectable teachers and instructors. So, I put a little pressure to make the things done hurriedly and in a perfect manner. Otherwise, I do not have a close interaction with them in a regular manner. I was surprised by the SMS that was sent marking my birthday as I never shared about this with someone of the team.

If someone else sees the SMS, it will appear that the SMS demands my death.?It refers that if I die, the man who has sent the SMS will be relieved. He will be?relieved of some troubles that I cause to him and others. Actually, there are no?such personal issues found in reality. The SMS has been sent to make fun with?me. It was entirely funny to me that the students who irritate all the others?around the day; they are irritated by me for my activities.

I also felt good inside?that they have somehow collected my birth date and made the fun through?the SMS. The last part of the message indicated that they had some?arrangements for me and I, in fact, was surprised as they arranged a birthday?cake for me at the college. I was amazed at their love for me. But the SMS?was too funny for me and even today when I check the SMS, I laugh by myself?every time.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Question 1:- Why do some people dislike using text messages?

Answer :- Lots of situations in which people don’t like the use of text messages in their day-to-day life. Because it consumes a lot of time, a majority of people don’t have much time to spend their precious moments typing any kind of message, so they always utilize the feature of the phone call and also make a conversation over there. Sometimes the messages also take too much time for delivery due to network error, so due to these circumstances, which people never face in their lifestyle, they avoid the feature of messages.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Question 2:- Have the ways that people communicate with each other, changed much in the last few decades?

Answer :- Yes, a lot of changes has been observed in this modern era as compared to the Past decades the conversation or changed from the PastPast due to new technological advancement they are ample inventions upgraded the lifestyle of the individuals and also gives immense features so start up their conversation inappropriate manner with the sophisticated equipment, so many people like to use phone call feature with free of cost, and social media platform is a quite popular nowadays so many people interact themselves and make new friends and also make a conversation over there and also get up to date with them.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Question 3:- Why do people prefer texting compared to phone calls?

Answer :- The majority of people like to do texting as compared to phone calls because messaging is a very convenient way to express their emotions appropriately. Apart from them, some people are involved in their hectic schedules and don’t have much time to do phone calls and address their problems, so messaging is one of the best options for them.

Question 4:- Do you think modern technology has any negative influence on communication?

Answer :- Yes, modern technology has reduced the talking time of people with others because people’s preferences have changed, and they like to send text messages instead of talking over the phone for a long time. Moreover, they like to play games more than having an interaction with old buddies.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 30th March

IELTS Speaking Interview

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