BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st April


IELTS Speaking Interview
IELTS Speaking Interview



My name is HARMAN Kaur.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Harmeet.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you think people rely too much on machines nowadays?

I think that many people rely loo greatly on machines. They seem to forget that there are people around them. It is easy to become completely absorbed in computers or phones or PDAs or MP3 players. People will more often turn to their machines for entertainment rather than spending time with others or getting exercise.

What are the advantages that we get from using modern home and office equipment?

There are some advantages to using modern home and office equipment. One of the main ones is that more things get done and often we can complete projects and assignments very quickly. We are also able to do things that we wouldn’t have been able to do before, like working at home. Also, because we are able to finish tailings quickly we have more time for other activities that we wish to do.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What do you think is the most useful thing that man has ever discovered?

I think that the most important discovery was electricity. Without electricity we would not have any of the modern equipment that we have today. We would be unable to have phones, computers, lights, TVs. refrigerators, or music players. Electricity runs almost everything in our houses and work areas today.

Does it rain much in your country? (Where? When?)

I would say yes. It rains a lot in the summer when tropical storms strike our country. There is torrential rain in the region in June, July and August, and the rainfall tends to be higher in the North than in the South.

IELTS Speaking Interview


 Describe a time when you got into trouble.

You should say:

– What type of trouble it was?

– How you got into it?

– How you handled it?

– Explain how you felt about it?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer

Life is difficult and often people are to experience some sort of troubles. I also had to face trouble when I was unable to remember the lines I read on books against a particular question.

At the beginning of the post-graduation, I took history as one of the mandatory in last December, I had to appear in the year final exam of my college first year and it was difficult for me to cross the barriers as the questions were too hard to answer.

The exam was about literature and I had to answer some critical questions about the history of English literature. The questions were about the writing style, plots, relation with the past history of the modern days and more other issues. The problem was that the question-maker might have forgotten about the syllabus that was prescribed to us by the college authority to be followed for the year final exam.

Surprisingly, almost all the questions were beyond the prescribed course outline and it caused great trouble to all of us; especially I was one of the worst sufferers. Unfortunately, I did not get the prescribed course outline as I was sick heavily. Thereby, I could not attend the final classes before the examination where the suggestions were delivered. Moreover, I failed to communicate with other

IELTS Speaking Interview

mates and friends of mine. As a result, I was completely unaware of the texts and suggestions for the exam. The course was titled – English Literature contemporary and old texts. The course materials were available to me but I had no idea about what to study. So, it was difficult for me to decide what to do and how to do, and I was greatly troubled in the exam hall. With a high fever, I went to appear on the exam. Before getting to the college, everything was uncertain to me that if I would be able to appear on the exam or not.

IELTS Speaking Interview

However, with the great inspiration from my parents, I started appearing on the exam. I reached college in time and took my seat. I felt that everything was spinning and it happened for my physical weakness. After a few moments, I felt better. But I was shocked at the questions paper and gazed at that for about five minutes, silently.

Then I started writing the answers. I felt the trouble when I started to relate the events of the literary pieces of the past and present time. I was unable to read the current literary pieces as I was sick for several days before the examination. When I tried to relate the events, it was a bit difficult for me. There were texts about the literary pieces in middle age while we also had to read the literary pieces of the modern age.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Certainly, there are some changes in the writings and the themes were not the same. But when it was asked to analyse about two different pieces together, it caused the trouble. When I was unable to answer the questions, I sought help from the invigilators. Fortunately one of the invigilators was the lecturer of the course and he was kind enough to provide me with some hints about the relations (as he knew about my sickness). The feelings about the exam are the worst. I had no preparations at all. I thought that I might not pass the exam and even if I do, my score will be lower than others.

But in reality, the scenario was different. I passed the course with a reasonable score and it appeared unbelievable to me. But the feelings that I underwent at the exam hall were disastrous. The exam held for three hours and it appeared to me that its three decades.

IELTS Speaking Interview

I frequently watched my wristwatch if the time has passed or not but the theory of relativity started working on me. Time was not passing and each of the seconds appeared like an age. My college does not allow submitting the answer scripts before the exam hour ends and thus I had to wait longer to submit my copy.

Finally, the exam was over and I submitted the copy. I was unable to answer all the questions; especially I left two short questions unanswered for my ignorance over the texts.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Question 1:- Do you like helping others?

Yes, I really like helping others, especially when people approach me for any kind of help either in their work or in their life, and I really love to help them in solving their problems because I think it’s a moral obligation to help humanity at the time of crisis.

Question 2:- In your view, should children be taught to help others?

Yes, children must be taught to help others because they are immature and whatever skills we would like to develop if we develop at a very early age then they will be having for their latter periods of life, and they will feel the sorrows of others and try to help the people when people are in trouble.

Question 3:- How can we encourage children to help others?

Children can be encouraged to help others by giving them some eatable items to offer to poor people as well as assigning them small household works so that they can develop the feeling of helping others. Apart from it, a big hand of school can stimulate them to help others by taking them to a visit to charity homes where they can help them in any way.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Question 4:- Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past?

Yes, of course, people are less willing to help others nowadays due to their mindset that is obtaining more and more money by hook or by crook or manipulating others. So they are not very helpful, and they are considering their own profit.

Question 5:- Do people trust others as much as they used to in the past?

No, nowadays people don’t trust others as people used to have in the past. It is because people have no sympathetic feelings for others, and they seek their own profits. They make relationships only when they know that these can bring a huge profit to them. In addition, people are more worried and insecure about their future, so they don’t trust others.

Question 6:- How can charitable organizations help people?

Charitable organisations can help people in many ways, such as organising blood donation camps and fundraising activities for orphanages and for helpless people. Furthermore, helping in community work like cleaning and making people aware of diseases.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 1st April

IELTS Speaking Interview

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