BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th April


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Satnmaju Kotka.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Satnmaju.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Have you ever tried foreign food?

Yes, I have a tried a lot of different cuisines like Italian, Mexican, Japanese Chinese, etc.

Do you like to try new food?

Yes, I call myself a foodie; I absolutely love to try new food, especially the local food of any new place that I visit.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What kind of new food you have tried recently?

Recently, I went on a holiday to Thailand and I tried the street food over there. I don’t remember the name of the dish, but it had noodles, prawn and vegetables.

What kind of foreign foods are popular in your country?

In my country most popular cuisines are Italian and Chinese. Most of the people like to eat Pizzas and Noodles when they eat outside.

Did you save money when you were young?

Yes, when I was young I saved some funds from my pocket money and I later used them for buying books.

Have you ever given money to other children?

No, I have never given money to other children. I believe only parents should give money to their children and they should teach them to use it wisely

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a time when you asked for an extension of time to complete something.

You should say:

– when it was

– what the task was

– who you asked for the extension in time

and explain why you needed more time to complete it.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer:

As a university student, I needed to ask for an extension many a time to finish my homework or assignments because of wasting my time in doing unnecessary things. Today, I would like to talk about one of those times when I needed to ask for an extension.

It was during the final year of my university studies when I was struggling to balance my student life and the life outside of it. Yes, my final year at the university was hectic, to say the least, since my course load was a bit too much for me to handle.  Of course, I could delay my graduation a bit, but I didn’t like the idea since I wanted to get out of university as soon as possible and get a good job.

Even though I somehow managed to complete the study and course works for the subjects, which I was taking during my last semester, I was limping with my final year project.

IELTS Speaking Interview

By the way, initially, I didn’t think that my final year project was so difficult or it would take so much of my time, but I was proved dead wrong since I was struggling to prepare just the “definition of terms”, let alone finishing my case study for the project. Of course, I tried to finish the works as quickly as possible, but it wasn’t just easy to apply all of my knowledge that I had learned over the years as a university student.

So, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to finish my final year project on time, I had no other option but to ask for an extension from my project supervisor. He granted 2 weeks’ extension and that was a big relief for me.

Anyway, I needed to ask for the extension, mainly because I started the project rather late. In fact, I underestimated the level of complexity of my final year project.  I needed the extension also because I needed to spend a lot of time in studying the regular semester courses which were rather difficult.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Q1) How do you organize your time?

I plan out what I want to do during a particular day the night before. I prioritise my tasks and order them based on urgency and importance.

Q2) Do you think young people organize their time in the same way?

Of course not. Some young people – like me – like to be meticulous in how we plan out our time. It helps us get more things done. Others prefer to make little to no plans at all. They feel more comfortable leaving their day open to improvisation and opportunities.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Q3) Are you ever late for anything?

I certainly try not to be, but that is not always possible. I was late for work a few times last week. Thankfully, I didn’t face any issues as I was stuck in heavy traffic.

Q4) How do you feel when you are late for an appointment?

Again, I try my best not to be, but it does happen on occasion. When it does, I feel incredibly guilty, as I hate keeping other people waiting. I profusely apologise to everyone waiting.

Q5) How do you feel when others are late?

This depends on why they are late. If it’s some genuine reason, like an accident or a traffic jam, I completely understand. Some things are not in our control. However, if they were just too lazy or inconsiderate to be punctual, that upsets me. This shows an utter lack of respect for my time.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Q6) Why do some people find it hard to follow plans?

Well, the reason why it is difficult to follow plans is probably because people are distracted with their surroundings. If you notice, most people set all these plans and goals, usually at night, before sleep, or when all is quiet. Then a lot of people end up getting distracted and veer off course during the day.

Q7) How do you teach children time management?

I believe there are several steps to help children manage time. Firstly, I should be a role model. Unorganised, chaotic parents usually have unorganised, chaotic children. Therefore, I should demonstrate my behaviour. I can also help them make a hierarchy of priorities they can use as a master checklist to make better time management decisions.

For example: prioritise the following values: family, school, personal development, community, and friends. Finally, provide children with the necessary tools they need to succeed. Alarm clocks, wristwatches, and personal calendars, for example, can help them focus on necessary activities.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th April

IELTS Speaking Interview

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