BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th May


IELTS Speaking Interview,



What is your name?

My name is Paggiya Yuvti.

How may I address you?

Sure, here it is.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you often visit your relatives?

Once in a blue moon, I prefer to visit my relatives owing to my hectic schedule. Thus, I prefer to visit them occasionally.

What do you do when you visit your relatives?

Well, I love to do chit chat with them do gossiping, shopping, working and laugh a lot by recalling previous memories of thick and thin time.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Is it important to visit relatives regularly?

Definitely, it is necessary particularly in my country where relationships matter a lot to people. So, sharing a healthy relationship with them, visiting to them on daily basis is necessary.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you like sharing with others?

Of course, I love to share my knowledge, my books, and funny stories with others on daily basis especially with my friends.

What kinds of things do people not want to share?

People dislike sharing their personal belongings and matters related to health and money with others. Instead of this, they hate to share their intrinsically valuable items like phones and so on.

Do you think people will share their cars with each other in the future?

Yes, masses will share their cars with each other to tackle the congestion level on the road along with pollution. Moreover, for saving money as well.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a time you had a disagreement with someone.

You should say:

– Who was the person?

– Why did you have the disagreement ?

– Was the issue resolved? If yes, how?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer 1:

Disagreement is a crucial part of every individual’s life.

Who was the person?

Here I would like to talk about a time when I disagreed with my friend.

I vividly remember, about six months ago, when I was in 12th grade and burning the midnight oil to clear my exams with good marks. At that time, a new Bollywood movie was released. So my friend planned to watch that movie in the theatre.

Why did you have the disagreement ?

However, I disagreed with him because final exams were around the corner. So, I didn’t want to miss a class in any case. With my decision, my friend was furious on me because he is a cinephile person, and exams were a bone of contention among us.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Then I promised him that we would go to watch that movie after the final exams.

Was the issue resolved? If yes, how?

But despite my many efforts, he did not agree with me. Then I decided to book the evening show of that movie without informing him so that it would become a win-win situation for me.

On the next day, I showed tickets to him. Honestly speaking, he was on seventh heaven and had grain on his face.

At that time, I felt inner gratification. So after school hours, we watched that movie, and it was stupendous. Still, I have a book of memories of that day.


Overall, this was the time when I disagreed with a person.

IELTS Speaking Interview


1. If there is a disagreement, what do you do?

It really depends upon the issue. If it is a minor issue, I don’t let it escalate and just tell the person, I disagree with and move on. However, if it’s something important, I ask my parents and friends for advice.

2. How can we disagreements from escalating into a fight?

I think we just need to be calm and rational. I think the best way to de-escalate situations is to give them time. We always make wrong decisions when we don’t give issues time. I also try to involve a neutral person and ask them for advice.

3. Who do you think should teach children to respect- teachers or parents?

I think both parents and teachers have the responsibility of teaching children. However, I think such things are not taught but rather learnt by observing others. Children pick up a lot of things by watching their parents and so it is absolutely important that parents behave appropriately in front of them.

4. What do you do when you have a disagreement with your parents?

Well, in this case, I am normally forced to accept their viewpoint. I know my parents have my best interests at heart, so I don’t mind it. However, sometimes when I feel strongly about something I do try to resist. Sometimes, they do let me prevail.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 18th May

IELTS Speaking Interview

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