BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th May


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Jaguyika Kasuo.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Jaguyika.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Who teaches you to be polite?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Our parents, teachers, relatives, friends and other acquaintances, teach us politeness. We also learn about the importance of politeness from stories we read and movies we watch.

Has the way people show politeness changed in India?

Yes, I think with the advancement in technology, the way we show politeness has changed. With the advent of the internet and social networking, it is very important to show respect to others in the way we write messages or emails, so as to not offend others. For example, when chatting with someone, it is not acceptable to type in capital letters. It is considered rude and impolite.

Are you angry with people who are late?

Yes, definitely I am angry with people who are late. I am very punctual myself and I feel irritated when somebody keeps me waiting.

What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?

I mostly use the Facebook website for social networking. These days all the social networking sites have an app that we can install and use on our phones, so I don’t usually visit the websites. I use my cell phone apps.

Are you a social person?

I am not a very social person. However, I have a good social circle of friends. I like to meet them at least once in two-three months.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park, on the beach, etc.).

You should say:

– Where and when you saw the plastic waste?

– Why there was a lot of plastic waste?

– What you did do after you saw it?

And explain what your thoughts were about this.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer 1:


Unfortunately, plastic waste is becoming a serious threat and it is not uncommon to see plastic waste in our surroundings.

Here I am going to talk about my recent visit to a tourist attraction where I got disappointed to see plastic waste. Actually, there is a famous lake not far from my town, where people often go for picnic and enjoy boating.

Where and when you saw the plastic waste?

Last month, I too went there with my friends on weekend and we found this place extremely beautiful because of the natural scene. But, as we approached near the lake we felt extremely bad as there was loads of plastic waste in it.

Why there was a lot of plastic waste?

The fact is that, lots of people visit this place and often carry food in plastic containers and plastic bottles , but after having it they dump it carelessly. We saw plastic bags, wrappers, cans, plastic bottles and much more, which was not only ruining the beauty of the place but also affecting the marine life.

What you did do after you saw it?

In fact, we clicked few photographs by the lake and in the background there were piles of plastic waste. Being concerned about the environment, we approached the management. We requested them to keep the place clean and place dustbins for proper disposal of waste and if possible put a ban on plastic at site. In fact, we voluntarily cleaned the place with the cleaning staff which was enough to make others understand their responsibility as well.


The management appreciated our efforts and promised us that they will do everything possible to keep the place neat and tidy in future.

IELTS Speaking Interview


1. Do you think we should use plastic products?

No, I don’t think that usage of plastic products should be encouraged. Every day in the newspaper we read about how plastics are destroying our planet, and there is not much we can do about it except prohibit their usage. Most of the plastic waste cannot be recycled and ends up in landfills or is dumped in the sea

2. How can we reduce our use of plastic?

There are many simple everyday things that we can do to reduce our plastic consumption. For example, people can always carry a steel water bottle with them so that they don’t have to buy a plastic one. Another thing that people can do is to use jute or any other cloth bags for carrying goods from grocery stores.

IELTS Speaking Interview

3. What kinds of plastic waste are often seen in your country?

The most common plastic waste in my country would definitely be the plastic bags that people use for grocery shopping. The plastic water or soft drink bottles take the second spot.

4. Why do people like to use plastic products?

I think there are two main reasons behind it. One is that plastic is more convenient as it doesn’t get damaged easily and keeps the goods safe and dry. Secondly, plastic is cheaper as compared to metal or other alternatives.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th May
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