BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th May


IELTS Speaking Interview



How are you?

I am fine. Thank you. How are you, sir/ madam?

What is your name?

My full name is Mark Arthur.  My family members and friends call me Mark. This is my nickname.

How do you spell your name?

I spell it as M–A–R–K   A–R–T–H–U–R.

What can I call you?

You can call me Mark. That is my nickname.

What is your first name?

My first name is Mark.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What is your last name?

My last name is Arthur. It represents our family name and title.

May I see your proof of identification?

Sure, here you are.

How old are you?

I am 25. This coming November I will turn into 26.

Can you tell me about yourself and your family in short?

We I have recently finished my graduation from a reputed university majoring Business Administration. I want to pursue my higher education from a large university in the United Kingdom. I dream to become a successful entrepreneur in Information technology someday. I like reading books, listening to music and travelling to new places. I like my father very much and he is the best mentor I ever had.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe an international problem.

You should say:

– What it is?

– What the effects of this problem are?

– What causes that problem?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer:


Well, we are living in a globalized world where everything happening at the international level.

What it is?

There are many problems which are international too and a few of these problems of terrorism, the problem of drug smuggling, trafficking, and poaching of animals but I am going to talk about one of the most serious concerns which is global warming.

What causes that problem?

Global warming is the one which is going to affect the entire planet. The problem is increasing rapidly and the reason behind this is most countries today are focusing on their economic growth for which they are primarily focused on industrialization.

They want to drive their vehicles. Their energy consumption has increased to the greatest Heights and that’s the reason why the release of carbon and other toxic gases is increasing at an exponential rate.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What the effects of this problem are?

Today, the temperature creature of planet Earth is increasing and as per the assumptions of scientists by 2050, the temperature would increase to the greatest extent and the planet would not be fit for living anymore.

This means that this problem is of great concern and this problem should be resolved internationally as well.

Collaborative efforts of all the nations as well as policies can really help to reduce the impact of global warming. Fortunately, most governments over the world today understand the gravity of this problem.

That’s why international policies and reforms are being brought to bring some kind of change.


Finally, I would say the although this problem is international but the Collaborative efforts of the governments of the world as well as individuals can help the world escape it.

IELTS Speaking Interview


1. Do you think children are born smart or do they learn to become smart?

Well, if you ask me, I consider that no one is born with talent, everyone develops in the journey of their life. The children have experienced real life and when they are out of the nutshell, they learn how to become smart and thus are able to solve any problem.

2. How do children become smart at school?

School is the primary place where children learn things. They observe not only their mentors but also their peers and gain knowledge about many things. This academia also tests their abilities which polishes their skills and thus they enhance themselves.

3. Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

The answer to this question is the difference in exposure people get. Two people from the same background but with different exposure have a huge difference in their attitudes. They have experience in how to tackle every situation even before they enter the real world.

IELTS Speaking Interview

4. Why does modern society need talent of all kinds?

We are aware that in order to survive in the rat race, it has become essential to adapt to all sorts of skills. The problems in modern society require the utilization of knowledge from every sector of life.

5. How can we assist youngsters in realizing their potential?

There are certain methods to make them such a realization. Firstly, to make them know their real interests. Secondly, to motivate them for extracurricular activities which will help them to know their major interest in which they can form expertise.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 25th May

IELTS Speaking Interview

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