BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th May


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Tagyu Yagyu.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tagyu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Did you save money when you were young?

I always used to save money when I was younger. I understood it to be a good practice and saved my pocket money, award amounts, or any money that I received as a gift. Those saved amounts of money have helped me a lot during my time of need.

Have you ever given money to other children?

No, I have never given money to any other children, as I spent money only with my parent’s permission, and never digressed from the original spending purpose agreed upon, along with my parents. I have always politely refused any other children who have come to ask me for money.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you think parents should teach children to save money?

Yes, I think that parents should teach children to save money. It is a very good practice that not only secures our future but also disciplines us by teaching self-control and introspection. All of us should learn about saving money and enjoy the benefits it brings along.

Do parents give children pocket money in your home?

Yes, parents do give children pocket money in my home. I and all my siblings used to get a certain amount of money every month, which was always lesser than our expectations on purpose. This was done in order to teach us control on expenses, and the practice of saving.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a flower you received as gift.

You should say:

– When it was?

– Why was it gifted?

Model Answer:


Well, it’s not uncommon in my country to give flowers to others on special occasions as it is something that everyone loves to receive. But here I’m going to narrate an incident when I received a very special flower from my best buddy Simran.

Actually, we are best buddies but for some reason almost a year ago we had a breakup it was so difficult to manage without Simran because every time I was missing him. As we used to play together we used to study together and do many other things for that reason I used to feel very sad and disappointed most of the time in the absence of Simran in my life. Now I try to contact him a few times as well but it was all in the win as he never replied.

IELTS Speaking Interview

When it was? and Why was it gifted?

On February 14 on Valentine’s Day, my door was knocked and when I opened the door to my surprise it was Simran standing right in front of me with a flower rose flower in his hand he immediately apologized to me and heard this. I got emotional I hugged him tightly and he said that I missed you a lot he offered me the flower and when I had this flower in my hand I couldn’t believe that.

I was actually thinking that it is a natural rose flower but he said that he has made this flower with his own hands and it took him more than five hours because it was looking so beautiful and natural.

IELTS Speaking Interview

He said this flower is now going to be a symbol of friendship, unlike natural flowers that die often within a few days this flower is going to remain like this forever and you have to promise me to take good care of it.

I promise Simran that I will always take care of this flower and I ensure that our friendship remains alive as well now this flower is in my study area I make sure that nothing happens to it and every time I have a look at this flower it reminds me of my promise to my friend.


Overall, I can say that it is one of the best and most beautiful flowers that I received as a gift from someone.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Question 1:- What is the purpose of gift-giving?

Answer – Gift-giving serves many purposes. It can be done as a way of showing affection, apologizing for wrong deeds, or appreciating family, friends, and loved ones. Our African culture also gives gifts during ceremonies to climax the event.

Question 2:- How has gift-giving changed since your grandparents’ time?

Answer – In the older days, our grandparents gave simple gifts like livestock, pets, and farm produce with no intended meaning. Nowadays, facilities have become more varied, from chocolates beautiful clothes, jewellery, and even luxurious car. Nowadays, gifts are more or less used to show a person’s wealth, and it’s more of a show-off rather than appreciation.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Question 3:- How important is gift-giving in a relationship?

Answer – Gift-giving in a relationship unites two people, brings excitement and adds some sizzle while strengthening the bond. It shows that each partner values the other according to the gift given.

Question 4:- What is more important when it comes to giving a gift, cost or effort?

Answer – Well, effort stands out from the gift cost simply because it shows the other person’s worthiness towards their partner and the great sacrifices they make for their union.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Question 5:- Do you think that people have become more materialistic when it comes to giving gifts compared to your grandparent’s time?

Answer – Yes, of course. People have become so materialistic and taken it to another worrying level. People are competing against each other to show off who has more money. It beats the whole purpose of gifting. We need to learn a lot from our grandparents on how they gifted each other so we can change this for the better.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 29th May

IELTS Speaking Interview

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