BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th July
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What is your full name?

My name is Nidhi Chouhan.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Nidhi.

May I see your ID?

Of course, here it is.

How do you feel about birds? (Why do you feel that way?)

I feel that birds are very special. They are beautiful creations of God. They add diversity to nature.

How do Indian people feel about birds?

India is a diverse country. Everyone has different feelings. Some love birds, and keep them as pets. Others just admire them flying in the sky. Some even eat birds.

Are there many birds near your home?

Yes, there are birds near my home. I can see pigeons, crows, sparrows and even the cuckoo bird occasionally.

Have you seen many different kinds of birds? (near your home)

Yes, I have seen many different birds. Apart from the birds I see routinely around my house, I have seen peacocks in my neighbouring village. I have also seen some rare birds, in the Chhattbir zoo. There were different varieties of parrots and the ostrich and emu over there.

Do any birds have any particular significance in India? For example, does India have a national bird?

Yes, peacock is our national bird. It is a beautiful bird. The male looks very beautiful with its plumes spread out

Have you ever raised (kept) a pet bird?

No, I have never raised a pet bird. There is a lot of work involved.

Do you use computer very much?

Yes, I use computers a lot. I have a laptop I use for my studies, to stay connected to my friends and relatives living far away, to research on various topics, for entertainment I watch movies and play games.

When do you use a computer?

I use the computer everyday at home, usually in the evenings and after dinner. I use it to research for my assignments and to check my emails, check Facebook updates and post messages and sometimes I use it to watch movies or play games.

What do you use computer for?

I use it to research for my assignments and to check my emails, check Facebook updates and post messages and sometimes I use it to watch movies or play games.

What was your impression when you used a computer the first time?

I remember the day when I used the computer the first time. I was in class 6 at that time. I vividly remember how fascinated I was with the computer.

How did you learn to use a computer?

I learned to use a computer through school lessons. Later I got my own personal desktop at home and I learned a little more by using it more at home. Now I have a laptop that I use regularly.

Have computers changed your life in anyway (if yes, How?)?

Yes, definitely. Computers have changed my life. I am well connected with all my friends and relatives, irrespective of which part of the world they are in. It has made the research work for my assignments very convenient. I think it’s a very good source of entertainment and with the Internet it is a boon for the humankind. Many everyday tasks can be done in a matter of a few clicks and in a few seconds, be it banking, shopping, etc.

Are computers used much in your country?

Yes, the use of computers has increased greatly in my country. It is a common household electronic equipment and almost all the workplaces make use of a computer, like in a grocery store, bank, coffee shop, school, post office, etc.

Do you think computer are useful in everyday life (how)?

Yes, computers are very useful in everyday life. We can pay our bills, book tickets, shop for anything, set reminders, connect with relatives and friends, research, entertain ourselves, create new things and do umpteen other things by using a computer.

Computers are now used a lot in education. What do you think of this?

I think it is the need of the day to make use of computers in education. It not only makes the lessons more interesting, it also helps make the children more techno-savvy, as technology is used in almost all fields.

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Describe your visit to a garden.

You should say

– The location of the garden

– When you visited it

– What facilities are available there?

What did you like about the gardens?


The most amazing garden I have visited so far is in fact a set of many gardens in one location, called ‘Gardens by the Bay’. These gardens are located in Singapore, and are major tourist attractions. These gardens have an expert team of horticulturists, landscapers, and engineers who work in tandem with the high tech Research and Development facility, there. They have together, managed to bring in thousands of species of flowering and non-flowering, terrestrial and aquatic plants, and trees from all locations and climes across the globe, to the Gardens by the Bay.

All these different species of flora bloom and thrive simultaneously in one location, irrespective of their individual climate requirements. This state of the art utilization of science is nothing short of magic to the layman. Gardens by the Bay have three waterfront gardens called Bay East, Bay South and Bay Central. Bay South has a flower dome with floral displays that they keep changing all year around, while Bay East gives a breath-taking view of the Singapore skyline in the peaceful backdrop of greenery.

These gardens also host festivals, movie screenings, musical concerts, educational workshops, and other community events from time to time. Millions of visitors have gardens been to the Gardens by the Bay, and many tourists make it a point to visit the gardens every time they go to Singapore. Anyone who visits these gardens gets dumbfounded by the sheer expanse of the gardens, its marvelous art installation, and the variety of flora on display.

Gardens by the Bay also offer guided tours to visitors throughout the day, either on foot or in golf carts. This is an especially good facility in my opinion, because most people are likely to get confused as regards where to start exploring and how to continue. The other great facility provided by these gardens is their display of maps all over the property, so that visitors may locate their positions and plan where to go next.

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Do you think the number of gardens in your city should be increased?

It is necessary to increase the number of gardens in my city, for two good reasons. Firstly, a garden offers natural scenery that is most essential for the fast moving and polluted environment of my city. Secondly, it offers an opportunity to the city dwellers to pursue various recreational and health oriented activities like walks, physical exercise, laughing clubs and games.

Should there be any entry charges for visiting gardens? Why?

I think authorities should take a token charge from people who want to visit gardens. This is because when we pay money, we act more responsibly towards a place. Further, the money can be used for the maintenance and development of the gardens, so that it can serve people better. However, garden authorities should allow free entry for senior citizens and children.

What care should be taken while visiting a garden?

We should check the opening and closing timings of the garden, before visiting. Apart from that, we must read all the rules and instructions for visitors, before entering the garden, so that we may not break any rules or damage anything out of the ignorance.

Do gardens need security? Why?

A garden is a public place. It needs security for many reasons, such as the protection of plants and trees from children and domestic animals, the safekeeping of playing equipment from getting damaged or stolen, guarding visitors from pick pockets and other antisocial elements, and the prevention of pollution in the form of rubbish thrown by visitors.

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