BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th October


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th October
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th October



May I know your full name?

My full name is Rashmi Arora.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rashmi.

May I see your ID?

Here is my passport.

Where do you come from?

I am from Phagwara. It is a small town between Jalandhar and Ludhiana.

What do you do in your spare time?

I do many things in my spare time. I watch TV, listen to music and do a little bit of gardening.

Do you like outdoor activities? OR What outdoor activities do you (most) like to do?

Yes, I like outdoor activities. I go for walks in the morning. I play badminton at times and I also do some gardening.

How often do you do that?

I do these activities almost every day.

What outdoor sports do you like? (Why)

I like many outdoor sports such as cricket hockey and football, but I play only badminton.

How much time do you spend outdoors every week?

I spend about 30 to 40 hours outdoors every week.

How often do you do outdoor activities?

I do these outdoor activities very often, almost every day.

What (types of) outdoor activities are popular in your country?

India is a diverse country. All types of outdoor activities are popular. But I think crocket is the most popular outdoor sports.

When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

The last time I did something in a hurry was two months ago. I remember my exams were going on. I slept really late because I was studying and, in the morning, I did not hear the alarm. So, I got ready in a hurry, and forgot my wallet at home.

Do you like to finish things quickly?

If I don’t like what I’m doing, then I like to finish things quickly. But if I am enjoying what I’m doing then I take my time.

What kind of things you would never do in a hurry?

I would never drive in a hurry, or cross the road in a hurry.

Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?

It is east to make mistakes in a hurry, because the mind is preoccupied and so it is easy to forget certain things. It has been rightly said that haste makes waste.


Describe different types of laws in your country.

You should say

– Which laws people obey

– How effective these laws are in maintaining order

– What difference there are, between previous and current laws

– Which laws do people tend to break frequently, in your country?


There are two major categories of law in my country – criminal law and civil law. Criminal laws protect citizens of my country from violent crimes like murders, terrorism, and dowry harassment. Civil laws cover offences pertaining to income tax, sales tax, traffic and company laws. Laws in my country are updated from time to time, and the changes are known as amendment in the law. There is lengthy procedure for amending or creating any law, at the state or national level.

According to me, laws in my county are reasonably effective in maintaining law and order. I firmly believe that the efficiency of a law depends upon the charity provided in its clauses, and the awareness prevailing about that law, among the general public. Here the support of the police and the judiciary are essential in maintaining a crime free state. Over the last few years, as we can see, many new laws have been introduced in response to the call of the hour, such as law against cyber-crime and domestic violence.

The former is being used to protect the online privacy and safety of internet user in my country, because cyber frauds involving hacking of email accounts, banking account and credit card accounts are the increasing with each passing day. The domestic violence law has been introduced the protect women, children and other vulnerable members, from aggressive and violent members of their own families.

In my country, I have observed that many people obey laws, and live as law abiding citizens. However, there are some people who often disobey anti-piracy laws and tax laws. Unfortunately, piracy is a black mark on our country. It is slowly gripping the entire art and entertainment industry, including music and books. People often ‘rush’ to buy cheap, pirated books and CDs just to save some money, but they don’t understand that the money they pay for pirated books and CDs goes to the mafia groups operating the network, and not the author or assist who has worked hard behind creating the book or music album.

In addition, we all know that the more we strengthen the mafia financially, the riskier they will prove to our country and society.


Do you think it is only the government’s responsibilities to maintain the law and order?

No, I totally disagree with this. It is not just the government’s responsibilities to maintain law and order. I firmly believe that as civilians, we are also equally responsible for maintaining the law and order in our country. If we see any unlawful act being carried out by anyone, it is our morel and constitutional responsibility to inform the police about that activity, so as to stop it immediately. At times, it is necessary that we being illegal activities to the notice of the media, so that other people also be aware of the goings on in society, and help in preventing them in future.

Do you think the people of your country are aware of the laws?

Unfortunately, this does not hold true for most civilians. Knowledge of laws can be best imparted at school and college Level, but many children in India, even today, don’t attend schools, and many grownups have also not completed basic schooling, here. This is reason the reason that lack of awareness about simple and common laws regarding income tax, sales tax and even traffic still persists to a considerable extent in my country.

What is the role of individuals in maintaining law and order in the society?

Individuals can play a vital role in maintaining law and order. First, we should update ourselves regarding the laws in our region and country, and we should obey them diligently. Secondly, we should educate our family members, friends, neighbours, and relatives, and insist that they also obey the laws. Apart from this, we should actively participate in government programs aimed at enhancing among people. I believe that laws are made by us and for us; if we follow them, we can lead better, safer, and happier lives ahead.


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