BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th June


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Dynamic Gurta.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Dynamic.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Thank you, that’s fine, now in first part I’d like to ask you some question about yourself. Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?

 What subjects are you studying?

I am studying Entrepreneurship.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Why did you choose this subject?

The reason behind choosing this subject was to help me carry forward my family.

What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?

Well, I will be doing my master’s in business management and Entrepreneurship.

Now let’s talk about weekends, what do you usually do on the weekend?

They are pretty relaxed weekends as I get time to organize my room, wardrobe and other stuff like but if I have time in hand I try visiting relatives or friends. On some weekends, I feel doing nothing but just relaxing the whole day and spend my quality time with family.

What do you think you will do next weekend?

I am looking forward to this weekend as I plan to visit an old age home with a friend. I sometimes visit such places for charity because I get a different kind of satisfaction by helping those who are in need.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe an interesting neighbour.

You should say:

– How long you have known this neighbour?

– What sort of person he/she is?

– How often you see him/her?

And explain what kind of relationship you have with him/her OR explain why you consider this person to be an interesting neighbour?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer 1:


Well, neighbour plays an integral role in our life as they are even closer than our friends and relatives.

How long you have known this neighbour? and How often you see him/her?

I would like to take this opportunity to talk about my uncle Mr. Singh, who lives next door to me and whom I find the most interesting neighbour. Well I have a very good bonding with this person as I always love to spend my evenings with my uncle or whenever I get a chance, I enjoy his company.

What sort of person he/she is?

There are lots of things that make this person quite interesting. First, let me tell you that he is a retired military officer. He was a high-ranked officer, and he has lots of interesting things to tell me related to his job. Since I, too want to become a military officer, so I always enjoy his talks and gain information related to this particular profession. As we know that military officers often get transferred during their working life to different locations.

IELTS Speaking Interview

So he has travelled pretty much all different states; of India. So its quite interesting to know about different cultures and different places of India. in fact, he has many albums loaded with photographs and I often go through these albums to check out different places. Not only India, he has travelled abroad and he loves to share his travel experiences with me.

And explain what kind of relationship you have with him/her?

One more thing that makes my uncle interesting is his knowledge. He is a well-learned person and keeps a profound interest to read interesting books or books for interest. He has a kind of small library at his home and he also encourages me to read books for interest to improve knowledge and every now and then, I borrow such books from him. One more thing that I would like to add here is, these days, people living in the neighborhood are not well connected.

IELTS Speaking Interview

They do not want to spend time with their neighbor, but my uncle always come up with interesting ideas to bring the community members closer. For example, last month only, he organised a sports meet and earlier he organised a cookery event and all these things really help to bring the community members closer and give an opportunity to interact and mingle with each other. All these qualities make Mr. Singh really an interesting person who is highly active and energetic even in this age.


Overall I can say that Mr. Singh is a neighbor that I find most interesting.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Q1. Do you think (good) neighbours are important? (Why? How? Why not?

Good neighbors are important because they are our family apart from our real family. When we are alone, and we need somebody then neighbors are the first people who can give us company. When we are sick and need to go to the hospital, the neighbors are the first people who can help. When we have guests and need a helping hand, then neighbors are the first people who come to our rescue

Q2. What are the qualities of a good neighbour? (What qualities would you like your neighbours to have?)

Good neighbors should have many qualities. They should be cooperative. They should be helpful. Good neighbors should respect boundaries, which means that they should know when they are being helpful, and when they are interfering.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Q3. Do most Indian people know their neighbours?

In smaller towns and cities, and in villages most people know their neighbors, but in big cities and in metropolis, people are leading self-centered lives and do not know their neighbors. In small towns and cities life is slower, and so people have time for their neighbors, where as in big cities, life is fast and so people do not have time for their neighbors.

Q4. What are some of the qualities of a good community?

A good community should care for each other. All people in the community should cooperate with each other. This should help each other in times of emergency. They should all keep the environment clean. They should have frequent get-togethers, and celebrate festivals together. If all people of the community know each other, then miscreants could be spotted easily and everybody would feel safe and secure.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Q5. In India, are there any facilities for improving relations between neighbours?

Yes, the government authorities such as, PUDA, Punjab Urban Development Authority, has provided well-maintained parks at regular intervals so that people can socialize. Such facilities have been provided by all states. Even the private housing societies, which make and sell apartments, have some combined facilities for all people in that society to use.


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th June

IELTS Speaking Interview

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