BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th June

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th June


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your full name?

My name is Ashima Arora.

May I see your proof of identification?

Yes, sure. Here you are!

Where do you come from?

I have lived my entire life in Mumbai until now.

Why are you taking the IELTS exam?

I’m taking the IELTS exam because I want to study Masters in Physiotherapy at a well known university in Canada. I have chosen a few universities and they require at least 7.5 overall band score.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Why are you going abroad?

I’m going abroad because I want to do my degree in Canada. My father wanted me to study in India, but my heart was always set on studying in North America.

Will you come back to your country?

Yes, I will definitely come back to my motherland because I want to practice as a physiotherapist here in India.

Do you have a full-time job at the moment or are you studying?

No, I don’t work full time but I do work part time as an assistant physiotherapist (PTA). I really love my job.

Where is your hometown?

My hometown is Ahmadabad which is in the state of Gujarat, one of the most developed states of India.

Is there much to do in your town?

Yes, indeed. There are certainly many things to do there because it is very big city. If you are the person who likes to go out in the evening, there are lots of good restaurants, recreational clubs, movie theatres, shopping malls and fast food joints. If you are up for cultural activities, there are museums and art galleries. But if you like nature there are lots of gardens-the big ones located inside and outside of the city.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did.

You should say:

– What you did?

– When was it?

– Why you got positive feedback?

– How you felt about it?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer 1:


There are many situations we come across in life when we help others or take help from others.

What you did?

I would like to talk about one such situation, when I helped others and received appreciation for it.

When was it?

It was when my neighbour’s daughter needed help with her computer exam.

She knows that I have good knowledge about computers and programming.

Why you got positive feedback?

She needed help with the basics of using computers.

I agreed to give her lessons for one hour every day till her exams

I taught her the theory and helped with the practical aspect too.

She scored really well in her computer exam

She and her family thanked me for helping her.

They invited my family and me over for dinner at their house.

They praised me a lot in front of my parents.

My parents were very proud of me.

IELTS Speaking Interview

How you felt about it?

I felt an immense sense of satisfaction that day as I was able to help someone achieve their goals.

That day I realised that giving help gives more satisfaction than receiving help.


We have developed even stronger bonds with our neighbours after this incident.

We had to go out of station for few days. Our neighbours took care of our pet Bruno.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Q1. Do you like helping others?

Yes, I like helping others. I feel very happy when I can be of any help to anyone. Whenever any person comes to me for help, I do my best to help that person.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Q2. In your view should children be taught to help others?

Yes, children student should be taught to help others. They should be made to realize that if today they will help others, then tomorrow they will get help if they need help.

Q3. How can we encourage children to help others?

We can encourage children to help others by setting an example. If they see their elders helping others they will automatically learn to help others.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Q4. Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past?

Yes, I think so. Today’s life is very fast. People have become workaholics. They have become self centered. They have no time to help others.

Q5. Do people trust others as much as they used to in the past?

No, I do not think so. My parents and grandparents tell me that life was simpler and slower in the past. People trusted each other. Today, it is very difficult to find people whom you can trust

IELTS Speaking Interview


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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th June

IELTS Speaking Interview

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