BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th October


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th October
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 19th October



What is your full name?

My name is Asha Debra.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you believe in God?

Yes, I do rather I am a God-loving and a God-fearing person.

What is your favourite colour?

I love the green colour because it is a symbol of prosperity and it always creates a cheerful atmosphere in the surroundings.

What is the importance of education in our lives?

Education provides an unflinching support to our skills and knowledge to survive, grow and support our family and the society. According to me, it is the fuel for growth and the supportive engine of the world.

Do you think practical knowledge should be given during college days?

Yes, it is essential to give practical training to the students because without practical knowledge, students get familiar only with the bookish world which can create problems for them when they face the real world.

What personality traits should be kept in mind when one has to achieve success in life/business?

There are many qualities needed to get success in life and business. Some of them are vibrant attitude, persistence, honesty, hard work, competitiveness, ability to envisage future outcomes and so on.

According to you, which life is better, school life or college life?

According to my opinion, both lives have their own special significance. But for me, college life is much better because at college, we come out of the innocent world of school and enter the world of independence and adulthood.

Do you like to attend parties, discotheques/dance floors?

Yeah, I do like them, but occasionally.

Which days do you celebrate with your family?

I celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and all achievements in my life with my family members. I celebrate such events mostly with my family, but we do invite our friends and relatives for celebration on a larger-scale, sometimes.


Now I’d like to ask you to speak for 1-2 minutes on a topic you have one minute to plan your answer.

Here is your topic

Describe your favourite theatre

Name and location

How often you visit it

What you like about it


Watching or going to cinema is one of my favourite recreational activities. I like ‘PVR’ the most popular multiplex in my city. This is actually a first multiple which opened with grand cinemas in our city. All six screens show different movies at different timings so that they offer a wide variety to the viewers. It has both lifts and escalators for the visitors to move easily in the complex.

The whole building offers a lot of options like discotheque, games zone, shopping section, food court, book shop and so one. This building has an innovative interior design. It is constructed in such a way that we can have the visibility of all the corners of the building as we come to the central part of the building. The cinema halls are different in size, but are very good in ambience. They are well air-conditioned, have comfortable seats and excellent sound system. All these facilities make movie watching a pleasurable experience.

In addition, they also offer online ticket-booking and free home delivery of tickets for customers. I think it is a complete package of recreation and entertainment.


Do you like to visit cinema halls regularly?

No, but I love to watch the first day first show of the latest movies.

If you are given a choice, what would you prefer, watching a drama or a movie and why?

Both have their own attractions. Drama is a live performance of actors on the stage, and hence it is more alive and involving. It is a challenging task for the performers because they don’t get retakes in a drama. So, for lovers of acting and live performance, drama is a better choice. However, movies offer us better sound effects, cinematography and music. I often opt for movies because I like to watch different outdoor locations, newer costumes and innovative storylines.

Now I’d like to ask you a few more questions related to your family.

What changes have you seen in the family system in the last decade?

Nuclear families and small families are gaining grounds in a large proportion in the society. However, a reverse trend is also visible in some countryside areas of my nation, where all the members of the family live together under one roof.

What are the positive and negative points of living in a joint family?

Joint family offers love, affection, sharing warmth and unity. During trials and tribulations of life, only joint families prove to be boon. Moreover, cultural legacy can be easily passed on to the next generations in joint families. On the other hand, there is a lack of privacy in joint families at times.

What are the reasons behind breaking down of joint families into nuclear families?

The prime reason for this is economical development. Because of this, people started shifting to bigger and industrial cities from small towns and villages. It is obvious that when we migrate, we cannot shift as a joint family in the beginning, and hence, families break and live in different places of the country.


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