BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th October


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th October
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 20th October



May I know your full name?

My name is Baljinder Singh.

How may I address you?

You could call me by my first name Baljinder.

May I see your ID?

Here is my passport.

Where do you come from?

I am from Moga, which is in Northern part of Punjab.

Do you work or study?

I am a student. I am doing my business management and entrepreneurship from Mumbai.

Which magazines and newspapers do you read? (Why?)

I read Times of India, India Today magazine, daily newspapers that specializes in economics and business issues, and related social and political aspects. Why do I read them? It’s simple. Being a complete human being makes a person more effective and marketable in business and management.

What kinds of articles are you most interested in? (Why?)

I mostly like to keep myself updated in regards to the economics and business. Other than that I like to learn about what is happening at the sports front.

Are people in your country interested in reading newspaper or magazines?

Most people in my country start their day with the newspaper over a cup of tea or coffee and one likes to be well informed of things happening around them.


A story/tale you heard in your childhood

What that story was

Who told to you and when

The message/moral of the story


I heard and read many stories in my childhood. My parents and grandparents told me many stories about various aspects of life. Here, I would like to talk about a story that I heard from my grandmother when I was seven years old. This is actually an incident from the great epic Mahabharata, where the Pandavas and Kauravas went to learn archery and other skills in the hermitage of Draunacharya. As we all know, Arjuna was expert in archery among Pandavas.

One day the mentor Draunacharya asked all the candidates to sit under a tree. He then kept a wooden idol of a bird on the branch of a tree and informed all disciples that they had to target the eye of the wooden  idol of the bird and hit it with the arrow. After that he called all students one by one and asked them that what they could see. The reply came that they could see sky, branch, bird, other students and so on. Listening to such answers, the mentor didn’t allow any of the candidates to hit the target. Finally, he called Arjuna and asked the same question. Arjuna replied that he could see the bird only.

Listening to this the mentor asked him the same question again, and this time Arjuna replied that he could see the eye of the bird only and nothing else. Listening to this, the mentor immediately handed the bow and arrow to him and permitted him to take a shy in which Arjuna was successful in hitting the eye of that wooden bird.

The moral of the story is, ‘we should learn to be focused about the goals in our life. If we are focused kn the target and not on other trivial things, we are bound to get success’.

PART – 3 Follow ups

What other stories do you remember from your childhood?

I heard plenty of stories in my childhood. I don’t remember many of them today, but I can recall stories about Ramayana, Mahabharata, Akbar Birbal, Panchratna  Chanakya and stories of our independence from my grandfather as he took an active part in the fight for freedom for our country. He also took part in ‘Quit India Movement’ in 1942.

What are the benefits of grandparents telling stories to children in family?

This is one of the best ways to pass on the cultural heritage to our offspring. What is more, this tradition is very important in joint families because in such families grandparents get a creative activity by which they can pass their time, and they also help in taking care of children.

What is the difference between the stories of the past and the present?

In the past, stories were based on history, tradition and religion and moral values. But stories these days are largely based on fantasy, fiction and super natural characters for example Barbie’s, Superman, Spiderman, Pokémon and so on.

How do stories affect youngsters / teenagers?

Stories can produce life-changing effects in both youngsters and teenagers. Stories can divert their minds to religion, culture and patriotism. There are incidences in all societies that teenagers change the direction of life towards positive after hearing stories or parables.

Do you think children have lost their interest in stories?

No, I don’t think children have lost their interest in stories. However, I do admit that they have more options of entertainment and hence their interest has changed in terms of the subject of stories. Now, they prefer hearing stories about fantasies and fairies rather than old parables. But it doesn’t mean that they have lost their interest in stories.


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