BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th October


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th October
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 24th October



What is your full name?

My name is Amarjit Singh.

Can you tell me where you’re from?

I belong to Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

Can I see your identification?

Yes, here you are!

And what subject are you studying?

I am studying Entrepreneurship.

Why did you choose this subject?

The reason behind choosing this subject was to help me  carry forward my family business.

What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?

Well, I will be doing my master’s in business management and entrepreneurship.

Now Let’s talk about weekends, what do you usually at the weekends?

They’re pretty relaxed weekends as I get time to organize my room, wardrobe and other stuff like that if I’ve time in hand I try visiting relatives or friends. On some weekends, I feel doing nothing but just relaxing the whole day and spend my quality time with family.

What do you think you will do next weekend?

I’m looking forward to this weekend as I plan to visit an old age home with a friend. I sometimes visit such places for charity because I get a different kind of satisfaction by helping those who are in need.

Do you enjoy your weekends now more than you did when you were a child?

When we were kids, we really didn’t know the importance of weekends because we would be playing around the entire day as there was not so much of work or study stress but today we realize what weekends are all about in the real manner. They recharge both mentally and physically for the next week. I wonder how some people work on weekends.

How important is it for you to relax at the end of the week?

It’s essential to relax at the end of the week as the brain and body get tired so people need to rejuvenate themselves. It’s only during weekends where you’ve time for yourself. Or it’s meant only for external worries and job pressure.


Describe a product you bought that you were (or, are) happy with.

You should say:

what you bought

how you bought it

– why you bought it

and explain why you were (or are) happy with it.


Ok then, well firstly I’d just like to mention that I’m quite lucky because my parents have always bought stuff for me, so I seldom buy something by myself. But one occasion that I did save up to buy something myself was when I got my iPad, which really made me happy and that’s what I’d like to talk about.

And um, I think it took me about four or five months to save up for it, and I basically did it by cutting back on other things, you know, like eating out and buying clothes. At that time, I study in a college, I mean, I don’t have a job, unfortunately, so the only money I receive is my living allowance which my parents give me every month, and that’s what I had to use to pay for it.

Anyway, regarding why I wanted an iPad, well I suppose the main reason was that I’m a big Apple fan. You know, I already had an iPhone and laptop, so the only thing I was missing was an iPad. I also watched Steve Jobs’ presentation of the iPad when it was launched, and it looked pretty cool. So I just thought it would be great to have one!

And as for how I felt after buying it, well first of all, I was really excited and happy, you know, because I couldn’t wait to start using it. And it also felt great because I’d saved up for it myself instead of simply asking my parents to buy it for me. So for that reason, it just felt a bit more special to me, if you know what I mean!


What do you think about the marketing of products?

Candidate: Marketing has become more difficult. Marketers now need to be everywhere. They should be online. They should be on social media. They should be in newspapers, on television and billboards. Tough competition exists in many industries. If you don’t market your products well, it is now impossible to find buyers.

What do you think about brand value?

Candidate: Brand value has become all the more important now. I think social media fueled this trend. People now prefer to do business with companies that have a large number of followers. If your brand name is recognized instantly, finding buyers is easy for you.

Is there a direct correlation between brand and its quality?

Candidate: Yes. In this age of social media, brands have to maintain quality. If they don’t offer quality products, they will get panned on social media. This will have an adverse impact on their brand value.


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