BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th November


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th November
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th November



What is your full name?

My name is Rajanjeet Kaur.

How may address you?

You may address me as Rajanjeet.

May I see your ID?
Sure, here it is.

Which language do you prefer to write in?

I prefer writing in English, because these days, a majority of written communication is carried out in English, only. In addition to this, in my occupation as well as in most other professions, English is the most preferred medium of communication. Hence, I do most of my written work in English. However, when required, I do write in my first language, and in my national language, also.

When did you start learn English?

I started learning English when I was in school. After leaving school, I took up my tertiary education in English, and even now, I keep updating myself on the latest developments in written and spoke English by reading books and by visiting English teaching websites.

Did you like to visit beaches/seashores?

Yes, I like visiting seashores because the climate there is fantastic. What’s more, I live in a city that is far away from sea. So, I get to take a break of 2-3 days from work, when I decide to visit the seashore. This is an additional reason for me to go out to the beach and enjoy with my family.

At what time of the year do you prefer visiting beaches?

I prefer visiting beaches in winter because the climate on seashores stays warmer and more humid compared to other inland areas, where the atmosphere in winter is cold and dry.

If given a chance, would you like to live at the seashore? Why?

I would certainly like to live on the seashore, because I like the climate there. I also enjoy various physical activities like jogging, sunbathing, boating, swimming, and beach volley ball, which can be enjoyed better on seashores.


Describe the happiest day you had

– Where you were?

– Who you were with?

– What you did?

– And explain why you think it was the happiest day?


There have been a lot of really happy moments in my life, and usually I’ll try to take a photo whenever there’s a moment that I want to remember. One that comes to mind is the day I adopted my dog. It was a fairly unplanned event and the day he came home with me was rather unexpected.

When I was a kid, I’d repeatedly ask my parents for a puppy. For one reason or another they’d say no. I was always a little heartbroken when I’d see my friends with their dogs. Whenever I could I’d pet and play catch with other people’s dogs, but I never had my own. When I grew up I moved around quite a lot and didn’t feel like it was the right time. I knew dogs need stability, and it’s really hard to travel or move when you have an animal to care for.

But I knew that one day I’d adopt a dog of my own. That time came about six months ago. I was living in my own apartment, rather than sharing with housemates, and knew I’d be staying put for quite a while. I was confident I’d be able to give a dog the home it deserves, but the idea was still in the back of my mind and I hadn’t gotten around to going to a shelter or looking online for one.

One day I was in a department store looking for something else when I stumbled across the pet aisle. There were squeaky toys, big fluffy dog beds, and the cutest food bowls. I smiled as I ran my hand over the dog beds and had a look online for where the nearest shelter was.

I ordered a taxi to the shelter and looked at the dogs that were barking and trying to be adopted. There was one that didn’t bark, but looked up at me with the cutest puppy dog eyes. I knew he was the one I wanted.

The volunteer that was working at the shelter took him out and let us play with each other to see if we’d be a good fit. It was love at first sight and I knew this was the dog I’d been waiting for all these years. The volunteer and I signed the adoption paperwork, took him to the vet for one last check-up before he left, and handed him to me. I couldn’t have been more excited because I finally had a dog of my own and that was the day I was ecstatic


Do Indian people spend a lot of money on birthday presents?

I don’t think most people do. I mean the parents and siblings do buy expensive presents but not friends. Birthdays are more about spending quality time with each other in India.

What do Indian people do on New Year?

Well, we Indians are very religious so the day itself starts with seeking blessings from the God. At night, there are New Year events at different places and people attend these. A lot of people also go on vacation for Christmas and New Year due to extended holidays.

Do you think we are happier than people in the 19th century?

Despite the comforts of today, I don’t believe we are happier. Firstly, there is so much stress today because of the increasing competition. Secondly, I think the excessive choices are making us unhappy. We are always worried about making the wrong choice.

Why childhood is the best time for most people?

I think the main reason is the lack of stress and worries in childhood. There is feeling of security and happiness and feeling that if face any problem our parents would take care of it. As we grow older, there is a realization that our problems cannot be solved by our parents and thus it makes us unhappy.


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