BEST IELTS Speaking Interview,27th May

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview,27th May


IELTS Speaking Interview



What is your name?

My name is Tafiq Waqif.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tafiq.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like to watch the sky?

Yes, I have to say I am a fan of watching the sky. To me, the sky is a magnificent work of art, and I appreciate the aesthetic qualities of it. The colour of the clouds are so beautiful.

What is the sky like at night in your hometown?

The night sky where I live is simply a breathtaking view. As I live in the countryside, the sky is not affected by light pollution, so there are numerous shining stars in a broad blackish background. Therefore, the view is perfect for anyone who has a thirst for freedom.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Do you like to watch stars?

I find star-watching extremely interesting. I believe that every star in the cosmos has its function and holds a unique mystery to be discovered. This is a great inspiration to me.

Have you ever taken a course about stars?

I haven’t ever enrolled in such courses, but I would love to in the future. I have always wanted to know how constellations retain their shape in zero gravity without floating through space.

What’s your favourite star?

The Sun is my favourite star, I would say. This is because of its power and importance to life. If we could find a star similar to the Sun out there in space, we would be able to discover alien life forms and complete our quest for a new homeland.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Describe a debatable issue.

You should say:

– What the issue is?

– Why it is debatable?

– What side you support?

– And How you think it can be resolved?

IELTS Speaking Interview

Model Answer:


Well, it is not uncommon to see debates getting sparked on minor as well as significant issues and the topic which is very much in controversies these in society.

What the issue is?

The one I am going to talk about is whether the employees should be allowed to continue to work from home or not. The thing is that during the Corona pandemic, the employees were supposed to work from home.

Why it is debatable?

The fact is that there was a complete lockdown, and it was not feasible for companies to allow their employees to visit the office regularly. This is the reason employees started working from home. Now, the debate is that the employees want to continue to work from home. The fact is that earlier; they were unable to maintain or strike a balance between their professional and personal lives. Now, they can do it better because they are not wasting the time that they were wasting earlier travelling to and from work.

IELTS Speaking Interview

But, there is another segment or a group which believes that working from home is having a detrimental impact, especially on the work efficiency of the employees. They are not giving there 100 percent to work. At the same time, their professionalism and commitment towards work I also affected. Since there is no interaction with their colleagues or there is no supervision of their employers.

IELTS Speaking Interview

What side you support?

For that reason, they are not working as they should be, and if I talk about myself, I too believe that there is certainly a drastic fall in the professionalism of workers. They are becoming lethargic, and thats the reason why I think the best idea to resolve this debate or to come up with the best solution to resolve this problem is that the workers and the employers should come up with some kind of agreement.

How you think it can be resolved? and Conclusion:

There has to be an arrangement under which employees are expected to visit their workplace a few days a week while they may continue to work from home for the rest. This way, both parties would be satisfied, and the problem would be resolved

IELTS Speaking Interview


Question 1. Should Students Get Mental Health Days Off From School?

Answer 1:- A mental health day is a day off from school to rest and recharge. Giving students the chance to take the can have huge benefits. Students can make the most of this day off by doing the activities they love, like art, sports, or going out and enjoying good food. Mental health days shouldn’t be used to avoid a touch assignment or a problem at school.

Question 2. What Topics Do You Wish You Could Learn About in School?

Answer 1:- I wish the school should have emphasized communication skills as a separate subject. I used to have lots of issues with public speaking and stage fright. I used to be very anxious during classroom presentations of other subjects. Communication skills can be instrumental in the later period of life when we join a corporate. So, I wish I could have learned it as a subject when I was a child as it is excellent to be learned in childhood days to boost confidence.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Question 3. Do You Believe Aliens Exist?

Answer 1:- I think there is a possibility of another life in the universe. Because it does not make sense that in this entire universe with millions of galaxies, there is only one Milky way galaxy, with one planet called Earth having a life. There surely are chances of having aliens in different galaxies in the universe. There is also much evidence supporting this statement, and it has been claimed that they did visit Earth some decades ago.

IELTS Speaking Interview


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview,27th May

IELTS Speaking Interview

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