BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 4th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 4th October


IELTS Speaking Questions
IELTS Speaking Questions



What is your full name?

My name is Sidhuariko Arshiya.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Sidhuariko.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like science classes?

Well, science is not my cup of tea, but it doesn’t mean I do not like this subject. I mean to say science contains two parts theoretical and practical, and I like the only practical part, and I always got A grade in that part but got a C grade in the second part.

What kind of science classes did you study at school?

I studied chemistry, physics and biology at school. Biology was my favourite subject because a person gets a chance to explore the human body and nature. Even now, I prefer to read biological books. Chemistry was also an interesting class, but physics was the most challenging subject for me all the time.

Did you have science classes in your primary school? Or only in high school?

Both schools had science classes; in fact, it was the major part of the school’s curriculum. I learned basic science in primary school and the same subject in high school but in detail.

Do you think science classes are necessary?

I think it is a person’s personal view. According to my perception, science classes are essential for our lives because we learn many things such as natural phenomenon, human body and other living things. Another fact is that at present most of the industries are related to science and technology, so if a student knows science and technology, it will be beneficial to get a job in this competitive era.

BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 4th October


Describe an adventurous person who you know

You should say:

• Who the person is

• How you know this person

• What this person does that is adventurous

And explain why you think this person likes to take risks.


Although I don’t know this person personally, I am going to talk about Bear Grylls, a famous adventurer with his own survival show on Nat Geo channel.

You don’t need much explanation when you hear this name. Bear Grylls is an embodiment of adventure and courage himself. In his show, he went to remote places with harsh conditions to try to survive for several days. He would then try to find food and water in the most unlikely places, sometimes hunting wild animals or eating bugs just to survive. I feel like there’s nothing this guy is afraid to do. I mean, he even drank his own piss and ate a cow’s eyeball once.

I don’t know why he is such a risk-taker but I think he’s just really confident in his survival skills. Whatever comes his way, he can cope with it and make it till the end. Besides, he made this show to teach people what to do when they are stuck in the same situation so he had to set a good example for them.

I’m really in awe of Bear. I don’t even dare to eat bugs so I can’t imagine going through his ordeal. Now that he’s a bit old, I don’t know if he’s going to continue with his show but probably he will. He’s a tough guy.

BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 4th October


Why do some people seem to like taking more risks than others?

I suppose all people are different, some are naturally more adventurous and like to do things that other people would never dream of doing. It’s just in their nature, they like to experience dangerous situations or test their abilities doing dangerous activities, and in some cases of course the greater the risk the greater the reward, especially in business. So some people like to take more risks so they can get a bigger reward for their efforts.

Why do you think it is that some people like to take part in dangerous sports?

I think for many people, it is a way to get some excitement into their lives. When people thousands of years in the past lived in nature, they often faced dangers like wild animal attacks, but now many people just spend their lives sitting in an office. By participating in extreme sports, people can feel alive and get a rush that they can’t experience in normal everyday modern life.

BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 4th October


BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 4th October

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BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 4th October

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