BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 26th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 26th October


IELTS Speaking Questions
IELTS Speaking Questions



What is your full name?

My name is Fulhito Fatima.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Fulhito.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like taking photographs?

Why yes of course. They are a way to capture a moment in time. Moreover, I like to be able to show them to people so they can imagine that they were there with me. As I’m a big traveler, photos are my way of sharing my experiences without words.

IELTS Speaking Questions

How often do you take photos?

I would say every day. I’m a big fan of selfies, so I often snap a few of them to send to my boyfriend every morning before work. Moreover, I take hundreds of photos when I travel.

In which situation do you like take photos?

Any situation! But especially when I see something out of the ordinary. For example, I like to take photos when the light is setting just right on my street, or when I catch a glimpse (a look) of two children holding hands.

Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?

Definitely people. I like to capture the raw (real; candid) emotions on their faces. I feel that photos of people can be quite powerful. Moreover, I feel that scenery photography never does the actual place any justice.

IELTS Speaking Questions

Do you prefer to take photographs yourself or to have other people take photos?

Definitely myself. As I’m quite picky about the photos that I take and post, I take this responsibility upon myself. Call me a snob (a person who feels superior to others), but I feel that most people don’t have any idea of what makes a good photo and end up taking unflattering photos of me.


An electronic machine you want to buy

You should say:

• What it is

• When you know this machine

• What specific features you want

And explain why you want this machine.

IELTS Speaking Questions


Today, I’m going to talk about the Aqua air-conditioner that I really want to own in the next few weeks. This air-conditioner is produced in Vietnam but under the supervision of a big Japanese company, so I guess the quality should be ok. I first noticed this piece of equipment about 2 weeks ago. At that time, I was watching a movie on the internet and an advert for this product came on the TV, and I was immediately impressed by its design and functions.

I immediately made a decision to buy one, since it is summer and the weather is boiling right now. However, there is one major problem: I’m running short on money as I’ve just overspent my monthly budget on a bunch of clothes and the price of this air-conditioner is quite high. Maybe I’ll have to borrow some money from my mother and then reduce my budget for food in the next few days in order to purchase it.

Talking about this AC in a bit more detail, it’s designed with the latest technology that minimizes the consumption of electricity that it uses. Besides that, it also has the auto-adjusting function, which means that it can automatically modify the temperature inside the room in order to reduce the differences with the temperature outside. This is truly a valuable item for me to live with through the heat of the summer season.

IELTS Speaking Questions


Why do children start using the Internet very early nowadays?

Children start using the internet from the beginning because the traditional methods of entertainment have all but faded away. You can find much better entertainment on the internet that you can anywhere else. Additionally, the internet can be accessed from everywhere.

How can modern technology help people arrive early?

I believe that modern technology such as Global Positioning System or GPS can use real-time data to analyze the quickest route from one place to another. It can also adjust the route depending on changes in the traffic or weather. People can also plan their routes accordingly because of this and be early for an event.

Do you think it is easy to manage your time in the modern world?

Yes. Thanks to smartphones and other devices, I can set reminders and times limits to what I can do and when I can do it during the day. This helps me to manage my day efficiently. I can also give myself a healthy diet as well as analyze my health in real-time.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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