BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 23rd November

BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 23rd November


IELTS Speaking Questions
IELTS Speaking Questions



What is your full name?

My name is Rafique.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rafique.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Where are you from?

I live in Chennai, but my family belongs to Kerala and they migrated to Tamil Nadu long abroad for which I’m here in front of you.

What part of India do you live in?

Tamil Nadu is located in the southern part of India, and my city is situated on the Bay of Bengal in eastern India. It’s a port city.

IELTS Speaking Questions

Do you do household chores?

Candidly speaking, not much because we’ve a resident maid appointed for household chores. Only when she’s gone for holidays or sick, my mother and I’ve to do household chores. In her absence, I help my mother with washing linen, mopping the floor, dusting and other chores.

What household chores do you like or dislike?

I would prefer to do dusting because I embrace cleanliness. I don’t like dirty walls, or shabby furniture. I’ll take the duster and start dusting fans, electronic goods, artifacts, and anything that comes in my rader. The household chore that I dislike is washing dishes and crockeries. It’s because my skin is very sensitive and when I use the dishwashing liquid, I’ve skin irritation.

Did you do household chores as a child?

IELTS Speaking Questions

Sometimes I did and again in the situation that I describe just now. However, my mother didn’t allow me to engage myself with household chores much when I was a kid. She always wanted me to focus on my studies and playing.


Describe a piece of furniture you like.

You should say:

• What kind of furniture it is;

• What it looks like;

• Who bought it;

• What the furniture are made of;

• Why you like the furniture.

IELTS Speaking Questions


I’m going to describe my night lamp, which my father gave me when I had to leave home for studying.

It is a medium-sized plastic lamp, maybe twice or three times the size of a teddy bear. It is shaped like a panda, with the socket hidden at the bottom of the lamp and the switch seated neatly on its head. There’s a battery holder beside the socket, so you can always use the battery if you cannot find an outside electrical socket to plug it in.

IELTS Speaking Questions

It was the very first time I’d been given a night light. I’d never used this type of lamp before, so I felt really excited and grateful upon receiving it. My father told me that this lamp could help me sleep better. And you know what, it actually worked! The lamp gives out a nice cozy yellow light, and I am able to really sleep soundly with it on.

I’ve been sleeping with this lamp beside my bed every night since the day I received it, and this cute little thing is one of my treasures. I plan to have it with me for a long time, so I’m trying to keep it in the best possible condition.

I really like my night lamp for two reasons, firstly that is a gift which represents for my father’s love for me and I owe him a lot of gratitude. Secondly, it also offers me a feeling of warmth and comfort when having it in my room.

IELTS Speaking Questions


Why furniture is an important part of a house?

Furniture is an important part of a house because it adds to the beauty of the house, without it, a house could not be called complete. People brought various types of furniture at the house like sofa set, double bed, dining table, dressing table, dining table.

Do you like any specific style of furniture?

Whether various styles of furniture are available in the market but among them, my favourite style is Italian style furniture. It is a little bit costly but it looks very stylish and adds to the beauty of the house. It is made of special type of wood which has a long life.

From where you bought the furniture for your house?

There are many showrooms of furniture in my hometown. But Indian style furniture is imported. I bought this style of furniture from a showroom furniture world in Chandigarh.

IELTS Speaking Questions


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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