BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 17th February

BEST IELTS Speaking Questions, 17th February


IELTS Speaking Questions
IELTS Speaking Questions



What is your full name?

My name is Clickyu Yotiyo.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Clickyu.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

IELTS Speaking Questions

What kinds of people usually get up early? Why?

Well, its’ totally a subjective topic. Job holders used to wake up early because it’s the requirement of the job. Apart from that, there are some old people who are habitual of waking up early.

Is it easier for older people to get up early than younger people?

Yes, I believe so, as my grandparents usually wake up at 4 a.m. or 5 in the morning. My grandmother cannot sleep past 4 o’ clock in the morning. The main reason, I think, is because their health is no longer in good condition.

IELTS Speaking Questions

What are the benefits of getting up early?

There are multifarious. As I said earlier, early bird catches the warm. One who arrives first has the best chance for success. All this can happen if one will wake up early. Apart from this, it improves the concentration and memory power too.

Why do some people go to sleep late at night?

I think that some people feel more concentrated and work more effectively at night. I also belong to that category. If I talk about elder ones then they can’t sleep at night due to health conditions.

IELTS Speaking Questions


Speak about your favourite sportsperson

– Who is your favourite sportsperson

– What are achievements of that sportsperson

– How famous the sportsperson is

– Effect of sportsperson on children


IELTS Speaking Questions

Each one of us has at least one favourite sport or game which we like to play ourselves or follow on different media. There are many sports channels on T.V. and sites on Internet which enables us to watch different matches and Tournaments which take place around the globe. It is obvious that we have our own favourite sportsperson whom we like to see on the field.

Like other fellow Indians I love to watch game of cricket. If I talk about cricket in my country, Sachin Tendulkar is one name which shines like a precious diamond. He was a former caption of Indian national Team. Moreover, he is considering as one of the greatest batsman of all times. He started playing cricket at the age of eleven and played first test debut at the age of sixteen against Pakistan. He is a record holder of one hundred double centuries as well as completing more than 30,000 runs in International cricket.

IELTS Speaking Questions

He is lovingly, called as master blaster by his fans. Furthermore, he is also considered as God of Cricket by his fans and fellow cricketers. The government of India felicitated him with numerous awards and honours such as Ajuna award, Raju Gandhi Khel Ratna award, Padma Shiri and Padma Vibhushan. He is also the youngest recipient of Bharat ratns, the highest civilian award. Despite of receiving such awards, name and fame he is stuck to his roots and that’s the thing which admires me the most.

He is not only a player but also a great human being. He always motivates and supports youngsters to achieve their goal or to fulfill their dream. He owns a sports academy where he supports young players of not just cricket but other sports as well. All in all, I would say that I extremely proud of Sachin Tendulakar and wish that all the young players continue to gain inspiration from this great personality.

IELTS Speaking Questions


Should children need the sports training since childhood? Why?

Yes, I think that children should be given training from their childhood so that when they grow up they would be perfect in their game and n get name and fame globally. Moreover, history is full of evidences the sportsperson who are eminent in their young age they have been practicing from their very young age. As I mentioned earlier Sachin Tendulkar he started cricket in the age of eleven. Geeta Phogat international wrestler started wrestling at age of 10.

Would the sport help the children grow their body or personality?

Yes, sports help in the growth of the body of a child. Sports assist in maintaining a good physique along with it helps to increase the mental ability. It has been rightly said, “Healthy mind stays in Healthy body.”


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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