BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 18th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 18th April

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Akira Sharma.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Akira.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 18th April

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think being cruel to an animal is the same as being cruel to a human?

Answer: Certainly, it is. Most animals can’t protect themselves when someone hurts or kills them but they do feel pain. So, in a way animal abuse is much more inhumane.

Should people be allowed to hunt animals for their own entertainment?

As far as entertainment is concerned, nowadays people have a lot of means to entertain themselves, so they shouldn’t be allowed to hunt animals for pleasure. In my opinion, hunting for fun should be banned globally. There is no point in killing helpless animals just for the sake of enjoyment. It is morally unacceptable. It’s abhorrent.

IELTS Speaking Test

How can we help protect endangered species of animals?

Protecting endangered species is a challenging task. It requires a lot of efforts and commitment. As an individual we can financially support charities that work for threatened animals. We can even work voluntarily for such organizations.

What sorts of human activities make it more difficult for wild animals to survive?

According to a World Wildlife Fund report, farming, deforestation and hunting are the major human activities that have threatened the lives of thousands of animal species. Human induced climate change is also a serious threat to wild animals.

IELTS Speaking Test

Is it fair to make pets out of wild animals?

Absolutely not. They’re called wild animals for a reason. They’re supposed to be free in the wild. Freedom is their fundamental right. If you really want to have a pet, there’re plenty of other options.

If a shark kills a human in the sea, should it be hunted down?

I don’t think so. Hunting is not a feasible solution to this problem as it can affect the ecology of the ocean. In my view, other precautionary measures like nets, drum liners or tagging can be more effective in dealing with the issue of shark attacks.

There are no intelligent animals except humans? Do you agree?

It’s true that humans are highly intelligent. But, other members of the animal kingdom show signs of intelligence. Chimps, elephants, bottleneck dolphins, dogs, cats and crows etc. are some examples of smart animals. Scientists are busy discovering just how smart they really are.

IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking Test

I love traveling, and I especially want to go on adventures like bungee jumping, mountain climbing, and underwater diving. However, I have never tried any of these activities. So, I want to start with something a little easier, like trekking. My sister and her husband go trekking every year during the summer vacation. They also enjoy camping at night, immersing themselves in nature’s embrace instead of staying at resorts. Unfortunately, they live in the US, so I can’t accompany them. That’s why I want to go trekking in India.

There is a beautiful trek near Shimla in Himachal Pradesh that I have heard about. It is around 10 km long and not too steep, making it perfect for a beginner like me. One of my cousins did it last year and had a great experience. The trek starts at the bottom of a small hill and ends at the top, where there is a stunning lake. People camp near the lake for the night before returning the next day. I have convinced my best friend to accompany me on this adventure.

Our plan is to travel to Shimla by motorcycle and then embark on the trek. We are both incredibly excited about this trip. In fact, we have started walking about 10 km every day as part of our preparation, ensuring that we won’t face any difficulties during the trek. But what we are most thrilled about is camping beside a campfire near the lake. Both of us are fans of horror movies, so we plan to watch them all night long, adding a thrilling element to our camping experience.

IELTS Speaking Test

What kind of personality should a person have to be able to take risks?

I think a person should have the ability to accept failures and move on. Risks means, there will be failures, so people shouldn’t be afraid of failures. In fact, failing should be a motivation to try again. In short, adventures are for people, who can look at fear in the face and overcome it.

Do adventures expand your horizons?

Yes, I definitely think so. Adventures teach us to step out of our comfort zone, taking risks in life that ultimately make us happier, more confident, and more open to new experiences. Ultimately, adventures empower us by helping us realize our capabilities.

What kind of people love adventure? What specific age group?

I think it’s mostly the young who like to go for adventures because adventures can be physically demanding. However, being adventurous is also about being mentally strong. I think through mental willpower, people can overcome any physical challenges.

IELTS Speaking Test

Which one is more interesting, adventure stories in the books or adventure films?

I think visualising the challenge or adventure makes it much more exciting. So, I would pick adventure films. I wouldn’t say books are bad, but I feel it’s nearly impossible to relay the difficultly of the adventure through words. Ofcourse, there are some exceptional authors like George R.R Martin and J.K Rowling who have done it, with their command over the language.


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 18th April

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