BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 23rd April

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 23rd April

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My name is Yuvika Gahira.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Yuvika.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 23rd April

IELTS Speaking Test

How often do you use a computer?

Oh, I’m on my laptop at least 6 hours a day! As online IELTS instructor, it is invaluable. I use a laptop for everything from planning lessons to teaching over Zoom.  Not only do I use it for work, I also use it to keep in touch with my relatives living abroad. Right now, I’m living in Vietnam while my family live in Ireland, so I contact them by email or facebook messenger.  

Do you think it is important to learn how to use a computer?

Definitely, nowadays computer literacy is vital.  A few decades ago, it was essential that one could read, write and do basic math. Although, these skills are still incredibly important, nowadays, I would say the ability to use various devices is even more valuable.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you have your own computer?

Fortunately, I do. I bought a laptop a few years ago. I choose to purchase a Macbook Pro as I’d heard lots of good reviews about that model. Because it cost a fortune, I was hesitant at first. I suppose this was because it was the latest model and included some cutting-edge features. However, I’ve had it for more than 3 years and it hasn’t shown any signs of age so I would definitely recommend this model to my friends.   

How often do you cut your hair?

I tend to have my hair trimmed every three or four weeks. I used to have longer hair but it’s pretty short at the moment so it’s important that I get it cut regularly. Otherwise it looks messy and unprofessional. I usually go to a small barber shop that’s close to my house. The barbers there are really talented, I’d trust them with my life!

Why do people like to dye their hair?

As I see it, there are two main reasons people choose to have their hair dyed. First of all, everyone needs a change from time to time! I mean, people get bored of the same old colour. Actually, I’ve noticed that many young ladies have begun dying their hair bright colours like blue and pink. It’s a trend that seems to be catching on! Secondly, elderly people, both men and women tend to dye their hair to avoid looking old. I guess grey isn’t a youthful colour.

IELTS Speaking Test

I had an experience of that sort during lunchbreak at work last year. We were sitting in a cafeteria of our office building on the ground floor, talking shop and having coffee. The topic of discussion was mobile phones and applications. I was at the table with a couple of younger colleagues who were all too eager to tell me about the latest model they had pre-ordered and how it has the best camera and a battery that doesn’t run out for several days. Naturally, applications for phones was also a major talking point.

IELTS Speaking Test

Apparently, nowadays they have an app for everything, ranging from dating and dieting to teaching you how to knit. It felt like their zeal and enthusiasm were wasted on me. They had so many things to tell one another, myself included, but it was all buzzwords and drivel to me. I felt a bit self-conscious, clutching my 6-year-old phone in my pocket, wondering if it could do any of the things they were discussing.

I only use it for calls, texts, and as an alarm clock, you see. It made me feel really old and out of touch. It was not pleasant at all.

What kinds of health issues do old people in your country face most often?

My country doesn’t seem to be an outlier in this regard. Despite free healthcare, older people face a number of afflictions. Senior citizens usually suffer from joint pain, hearing and sight loss, and all kinds of heart problems – predominantly cardiovascular diseases – those that affect blood vessels. Senile dementia is a common case as well – that’s when their ability to process and use information gets impaired. For instance, they might fail to recognize you or be unable to perform basic actions like pouring a glass of water. Most of these drastically reduce their quality of life, often to the point where they have to be looked after by someone – either a nurse or a younger relative.

IELTS Speaking Test

Is being a doctor prestigious in your country?

People look up to you if you are a doctor. Doctors are naturally very educated and well-read people. They are also down-to-earth and easy to get along with. However, their line of work doesn’t pay much, at least until they get several years of experience under their belt. So it all comes down to the understanding of the word “prestige”. They are respected, but most of them don’t really make bank. Addressing the latter, they are an integral part of society, and I believe this should reflect in their financial compensation.

Is a high income necessary to enjoy life? Why or why not?

Many things that constitute quality of life come at a price. Healthcare, education and, of course, accommodation can all get very pricey indeed. Some, if not all of it, can be acquired through government programmes such as grants, subsidies, and many others. These take some effort and knowledge of how things work and ultimately, they never last. It does seem that money is the easier way out, but how easy it is to get the required sum is a whole different question. The answer therefore is quite straightforward: money does indeed seem to be a prerequisite for a better quality of life, all other things being equal.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 23rd April

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