BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 24th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 24th April

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Emrain Qakid.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Emrain.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 24th April

IELTS Speaking Test

Where are you from?

I am from a small town in Spain, just outside of Barcelona. I have been living there for as long as I can remember.

What is your town (or city) famous for?

It is really small, so we are fairly unknown. A famous Olympic cyclist was born here, Isaac Gálvez. Other than that, we are not really famous for many things.

How long have you been studying English?

I have been studying English for as long as I can remember, probably since I was six or seven. Recently, I have been putting more hours into it so hopefully it has improved.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you have any hobbies?

I do not have much free time nowadays, so hobbies are not something I can comfortably have. However, when I was at school, I used to attend swimming classes and play a lot of table tennis!

Are you happy to be the age you are now? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I sure am happy to be the age I am now primarily because it has allowed me to understand about the world around me in a new light. In fact, as I actually come to think about it, I am so happy just to be alive because life is a gift, no matter what age I really am.

When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future? [Why/Why not?]

No, for better or worse, I never really thought a lot about my future because I have always felt that I shouldn’t think about something which I don’t know or which I don’t see. Besides, I have always been one of those persons who have liked to live in the ‘present’ without worrying about my adulthood.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think you have changed as you have got older? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I would like to think that I have changed significantly, as I have grown older, and the priorities in life have changed and so has the way I act and behave. Besides, I have also become more confident, both physically and mentally, about my life and future as I have grown older.

What will be different about your life in the future? [Why?]

There possibly will be a couple of significant changes in my life in the near future. First, I will be moving to a bigger city for better employment opportunities in the future once I finish my studies. Besides, I am also planning to be more careful about my diet and physical health since I am a bit thin for my age now. Moreover, after I have a job, I will probably get married after a couple of years later and have kids of my own. This will change so many things and aspects of my lifestyle.

IELTS Speaking Test

My childhood memories are rather patchy, but one bright spot is a videogame device that I had. It was a handheld gaming console. It worked on two AA batteries and there was one simple game in which you control a spaceship and shoot asteroids. I got it as a gift from my mother for finishing my first year at school. The memory of unpacking the box, taking it out of the bubble wrap bag and putting the batteries in is something I can recall even today. I think it was so exciting I couldn’t figure out how to turn it on.

IELTS Speaking Test

I think the main allure of it was that you could take it with you wherever you wanted. I would often have it in my backpack to play it during school lunch breaks. Some of the kids from school probably wanted to hang out with me just to get a peek at my cool console. Mind you, the game wasn’t anything fancy.

My 7 year-year-old self was very impressionable at the time, and I’m sure that by today’s standards the game would seem rubbish. Back then however it didn’t take much to impress kids as we didn’t have access to the super capable gaming consoles that are on the market today.

IELTS Speaking Test

What is the best age for children to start computer lessons?

Some experts suggest it is best for children to start computer lessons when they are around 4/5 years old. However, at this age, children should only be introduced to doing basic things such as how to turn on and off a computer, or how to open up one of their favourite pieces of “children’s software” or “games”. Besides, whatever they do or “learn” on a computer at this age, they should do so only in the ‘spirit’ of having fun, not some “serious learning”, in order to ensure proper cognitive development.

Do you think that schools should use more technology to help children learn?

No, I don’t really think that schools should use any more (even though the idea of “more” can be a subjective issue) technology to help children learn because that will make them “overly” dependent on “technology”. And once they are “overly” dependent on technology, they will not learn from “the environment” around them.  Besides, using too much technology to help children learn may disconnect them from social interactions which are absolutely vital for proper cognitive development. Finally, using too much technology can actually distract children from learning necessary and important “real lessons”.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you agree or disagree that computers will replace teachers one day?

I disagree with the suggestion that computers will, or should, replace teachers one day because no matter how smart a computer is, because of things like “Artificial Intelligence” it will never be able to understand the “human factor” of the children. And, if it doesn’t understand the “human factor”, it will never be able to become an “effective teacher”.

Of course, computers can always remain on the “side” as a trusted tool or helping hand, but it’s the teachers who mentor the students and make them laugh and encourage academic passion among them by being a ‘relational being’, unlike a computer or machine.  After all, for better or worse, there is something in this world which can’t be replaced by some “machines”, and “human teachers” just happen to be one of those things.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 24th April

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