BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 25th April

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 25th April

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Radha Rani.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Radha.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 25th April

IELTS Speaking Test

Which animal do you find interesting?

There are many wild and pet animals to choose from but I find monkeys the most interesting. They are the hoppers, the go-getters, the friends. It is so easy to see them laughing with their friends or helping each other. Not only that, science predicts them to be closer to human species which makes them interesting to me.

What is your opinion about animals being kept in prison?

Keeping animals in captivity is one of the most horrendous of crimes humans do, in my opinion. We have become more greedy and selfish than ever before. For fulfilling our needs, we have taken away the habitats of animals forcing them into prisons. I have been to zoo few times and seen some of them depressed with their lifestyle.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think government can do something about animals being kept in prison?

With the increasing human population and the human demands, freeing animals is not the most pragmatic thing to accept from our governments. But, I believe that animals should be kept in places closer to their habitats or similar to their habitat. Also, for animals on verge of extinction, special care must be taken.

How do you think government can protect animals from poachers, hunters, and people who kill animals for prey?

The government has to change their perspective from laws for people who kill towards how to protect. For instance, the security system must be tightened around the endangered species. Also, education can be used to impart the knowledge about different species. There can even be ad campaigns showing the different species and why they are important. Like, there are ads for smoking and cancer, so should be there for the safety of animals.

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your opinion for using animals as beasts of burden?

I would choose the grey color. One cannot deny that we do need animals for carrying our burden sometimes, like donkeys for carrying good or horses for traveling or ox for pulling carts. But, the problem is when we overdo it. Making a donkey bare a load more than he can carry or not give enough food is something that must be refrained from. Also, with the advancement in technology, one can obviously look for the other alternatives.

Do you think that the relationship between animals and humans is changing or is likely to change in future?

Times are definitely evolving and things and relationships around us are changing, including the one between humans and animals. In the fast-paced life that we now live, no one has the time left to have a pet or take care of animals around! In earlier days, people ensure they had water and food on their rooftops for the animals and gave away food the street dogs. Although in towns still there is a connection between animals and humans, in cities it is slowing fading away.

IELTS Speaking Test

I like to explore new places and there is one place which I have been planning to visit for quite some time now. The place is Alpha shopping mall. I got really interested to visit this mall after one of my friends visited there and told me all about it and its main attraction points and advantages for a shopper and foodie like me. The mall opened only two months back and has already become a popular place among local residents to hang out.

The biggest advantage of the shopping mall is its central location which makes it easily accessible to all the people of the city. But for me the main attraction is the options that it would provide me. I am not a brand conscious person but I don’t mind wearing branded clothes either.

IELTS Speaking Test

I am not willing to pay exorbitant price just to put a brand name on my clothes. For me there should be a balance between the appearance of a clothing and the price I pay for it. And that is why I would love to visit this place because it would give me that perfect balance.

As my friend told me that all the major clothing brands have their outlets in this mall. Every time he visited these outlets he could easily find some offers running which allowed him to make good purchases within his purchasing power. He told me that I might not get the best of the lot but I would definitely get decent clothes at reasonable prices. He has already gathered a nice collection of clothes, shoes and some accessories, all thanks to the shopping mall.

There is one more reason why I would like to visit this mall and that is its food court. My friend simply loves the place for the options it has which he told we would not normally find at local food joints. We can choose from all the popular cuisines including Indian, Continental, Chinese, Mexican, Mughlai, Italian and many more. From the description of my friend this place sounds really interesting and refreshing and I am sure I will soon give it a visit.

IELTS Speaking Test

Which is more important: preserving old buildings or building new ones?

Both are equally important. We have to continuously renew our construction methodologies and ensure that we are on par with other developed nations. Old buildings must be preserved as well.  But there must be a valid reason for preserving them. Also, there should be sufficient funds to maintain the building.

What kinds of public buildings do people like to visit in your country?

It varies from person to person. Children like to visit buildings like the planetarium and libraries while adults want to visit places of entertainment like cinema halls and shopping malls. Shopping malls are becoming increasingly popular because of the number of services they offer under one roof.

IELTS Speaking Test

What is most important for a public building: design, location, or facilities?

If I were to rank them, location comes first. Facilities and design follow it. People choose to visit malls that are in a prime location. Only then do people look for the facilities offered. The design does matter, but it is not a critical factor. A building with a poor design but located in a good location will undoubtedly thrive.

IELTS Speaking Test


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 25th April

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